Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Syria. Show all posts

Andrew Napolitano: What If Hillary Clinton Doesn't Care?

Contempt for the American people.   What if former U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has been pulling the wool over our eyes for years? What if, while she was secretary of state, she ran two secret wars, one in Libya and one in Syria? What if there already were wars in each of those countries, so she used those wars as covers for her own?      ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Hillary Lies Again

It seems the truth is seldom her friend.    In a column I wrote in early July, based on research by my colleagues and my own analysis of government documents and eyewitness statements, I argued that in 2011 and 2012 then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton waged a secret war on the governments of Libya and Syria, with the approval of President   ... MORE

Rand Paul Calls for a Formal Declaration of War Against ISIS

by Doug Mills.      Senator Rand Paul is calling for a declaration of war against the Islamic State, a move that promises to shake up the debate over the military campaign in Iraq and Syria as President Obama prepares to ask Congress to grant him formal authority to use force. Mr. Paul, a likely presidential candidate who has emerged as one of the    ... MORE

Senator Rand Paul: ‘I Am Not An Isolationist’

The senator clarifies his position.   Some pundits are surprised that I support destroying the Islamic State in Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) militarily. They shouldn’t be. I’ve said since I began public life that I am not an isolationist, nor am I an interventionist. I look at the world, and consider war, realistically and constitutionally. I still see war as  ... MORE

Jesse Walker: The Public Turns Against War

Saber rattling doesn't poll well anymore.      After a civilian airline was shot down over Ukraine last week, America's hawks stepped up their calls for a more muscular intervention in the country, with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) calling the White House "cowardly" because it hasn't armed the government in Kiev. But a new YouGov survey shows  ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: How Foreign Is Our Policy?

Reducing America's power, security and influence.       Many people are lamenting the bad consequences of Barack Obama's foreign policy, and some are questioning his competence. There is much to lament, and much to fear. Multiple setbacks to American interests have been brought on by Obama's policies in Libya, Egypt, Syria,     ... MORE

The Corruptions Of Being The World's Policeman

Matt Welch on the folly of playing international sheriff.    In making the case for a Syrian war to the Senate on September 3, Secretary of State John Kerry made so many bad arguments-including insisting repeatedly that the proposed bombing campaign would in fact not be a war, at least "in the classic sense"-that most viewers probably   ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Pour Me A Vodka, Putin

Bad news for Barack.            For the first time in five years, the conventional media prefers Russian President Vladimir Putin over U.S. President Barack Obama. Has Vladimir sent American journalists cases of Russian vodka? Or are they fed up with Barack? It’s amusing to imagine Putin shipping cases of Russian vodka to American journalists    ... MORE

Ed Krayewski: Four Washington Scandals That Still Matter

Despite the distractions.       President Obama’s attempt to lead the United States into an intervention in Syria may have provided the White House a distraction from the summer of scandal, but they’re still there, festering. As the president waddles toward lame duck status, the various scandals will increasingly come to shape Obama’s second term.   ... MORE

John Stossel: Make Trade, Not War

Cooperation can achieve what force cannot.        What's up with so many Democrats wanting missile strikes on Syria, while Republicans balk? I'm told Republicans are the war party. Is this just hypocrisy? Politicians change their position on military intervention when their own party controls the White House? Historian Thaddeus Russell says   ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Progressives And War

Steve Chapman: Obama And The Misery Of A Second Term

"All glory is fleeting."         Everyone elected president comes into office modeling himself on some predecessor: Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Roosevelt, Ronald Reagan. But those who win re-election eventually end up wondering whether they should have emulated James K. Polk instead. Why? Because he promised to serve only one term, and he stuck  ... MORE

Katie Kieffer: Burping John Kerry

John Kerry burped. Excuse him.        That’s how he does foreign policy. Don a burping pad before asking him questions; you never know whether he will spit out war or peace. Last Monday, Secretary of State John Kerry held a press conference. CBS reporter Margaret Brennan asked Kerry how Syrian President Bashar al-Assad could avoid a U.S. air  ... MORE

Obama Doctrine: He Could Attack Over Climate Change

by Ernest Istook.      The emerging Obama Doctrine justifies attacking nations that violate “international norms,” as judged solely by the president.  Based on statements by President Obama and key players, he could even launch attacks against those he blames for global climate change. Polluters and deniers beware: You may have to face our  ... MORE

Non-Interventionist Republicans May Help GOP

by Emily Ekins.     Last night Kentucky Senator Rand Paul delivered a televised response warning against President Obama’s appeal for military intervention in Syria. Paul contended the president had failed to make a compelling case that the two-year ongoing Syrian civil war poses a risk to our national security. The Reason-Rupe poll shows nearly       ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: The President's Embarrassment

Figleaf justifying war falls to the ground.      When Secretary of State John Kerry, apparently irritated by a lack of sleep, gave a snippy and what he thought was an unrealistic reply to a reporter's question at a London press conference last weekend, he hardly could have imagined the world's response. Asked whether there is anything Syrian   ... MORE

John Stossel: Road To Damascus

Defense should not mean offense.     Some things you just have to do, in spite of great uncertainty. Launching missiles at Syria isn't one of them. Many pundits talk about going to war as if all we have to do is make up our minds about what "ought" to happen — who the bad guys are — and the rest is just details. If we decide we must punish a tyrant,    ... MORE