Showing posts with label gender. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gender. Show all posts

Girls Rights Matter: Over 150 Students Walk Out Of School To Protest Transgender Teen Using Girl’s Locker Room

Gender-blender news.  Over 150 Missouri high school students voiced their displeasure about a transgender teen using the girl’s locker room by walking out of class. How do you gel the sides and parents who are worried about their children. “You really don’t,” Schowalter says. “It’s going to end up in court. And that is where most of these issues are     ... MORE

Tammy Bruce: The Real War On Women

It must be admitted. There is a war on women.  The Democrats have been screaming about this for years, and they should know. Because the war is their war on women all across the socioeconomic spectrum. Under President Obama, more women are unemployed, fewer women have started new businesses, we lost our health insurance, our doctors ... MORE

G Bentley: Paper Explodes Feminist Myth That Women Are As Horny As Men And Calls For Legalization Of Prostitution

It is what it is.   Men’s demand for sex far outstrips that of women and the gap is set to widen with major implications for laws surrounding prostitution, according to a new paper from the Institute of Economic Affairs. One of the key claims in the IEA paper is that there is a major gap between men and women in sexual desire. “Male sexual      ... MORE

Edward Cline: The Prancing Unicorn Of Bruce Jenner

He (XY chromosome) is what he is.    No matter where I turned on the Internet today, I encountered the Vanity Fair cover of Bruce Jenner pretending to be a woman. I got so sick of encountering that cover that I decided to write about it. Transgenders, apparently, are the new privileged minority. Just as Muslims are. A Muslim baker or    ... MORE

Katherine Mangu-Ward: Why Don't Women Like Rand Paul?

A bad job of marketing liberty to women?   Today at The New Republic, Jeet Heer asks why libertarians are mostly dudes, inspired by Sen. Rand Paul's polling gender gap, which shows the Kentucky Republitarian pulling 13 percent of the male primary vote and only 2 percent of females: Why is Paul so unpopular among women?   ... MORE

Calling Bruce Jenner A Woman Is An Insult To Women

by Matt Walsh.     It is what it is. The picture is plastered right on the cover of the next Vanity Fair issue, and it shows Bruce dolled up in makeup and hair extensions, posing in a corset, with parts of his face, forehead, and throat shaved off for cosmetic reasons, and his chest enhanced by hormone pills, Photoshop, and silicone. The idea is to make     ... MORE

Brendan O'Neill: Meet The Vagina Voters

Voting for Hillary because she's a woman.     "I intend to vote with my vagina." Have you ever read a more squirm-inducing sentence than that? It appeared in a pro-Hillary piece in Dame magazine, written by a person with a vagina who intends to vote for Clinton because she also has a vagina. Let's leave aside the unfortunate image conjured up by   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Reality May Be Optional

Let's pretend instead.   One of the wonders of modern times is that reality is often seen as a social construct and therefore optional. Thus, if one finds a particular reality offensive or inconvenient, he just "changes" it. Say that one is born a male or a female but believes that nature made an error. Some believe that nature's "error" can be corrected by   ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: The Honesty Gap

Looking at the war on women. There may be some poetic justice in the recent revelation that Hillary Clinton, who has made big noises about a "pay gap" between women and men, paid the women on her Senate staff just 72 percent of what she paid the men. The Obama White House staff likewise has a pay gap between women and men, as of course  ... MORE

Walter E. Williams: College Campus Update

Bryn Mawr will be better in sports. President Barack Obama wants Americans to dig deeper into our pockets to expand college education. Let's update college indoctrination done in the name of education.  Cornell assistant professor Russell Rickford, in a lecture titled "Ferguson: The Next Steps," told a packed auditorium: "Let's be very clear about what's ... MORE

Female Marines Now 0-26 On Officer Infantry Course

by Douglas Ernst.  Obviously, a sexist test.The failure of two Marine Corps officers to to pass the Jan. 8 first-day Combat Endurance Test of the infantry officer course brings the tally of female dropouts to 26. One more group of female officers will have a shot at graduation before the Marine Corps completes its integration experiment in June.    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Wage Discrimination

Never mind the reasons.     "President Obama Vows Zero Tolerance on Gender Wage Gap," read one headline. Another read, "Women Still Earned 77 Cents On Men's Dollar In 2012." It's presumed that big, greedy corporations are responsible for what is seen as wage injustice. Before discussing the "unjust" wage differences between men and      ... MORE

Thomas Sowell - Statistical Frauds

The discrimination hoax.     The "war on women" political slogan is in fact a war against common sense. It is a statistical fraud when Barack Obama and other politicians say that women earn only 77 percent of what men earn — and that this is because of discrimination. It would certainly be discrimination if women were doing the same work as men,   ... MORE