February 23, 2018

Do you trust federal bureaucrats to decide if you’re sane enough to keep your Second Amendment rights?

fromBreitbart: "The use of minors by Democrats and their news media allies as political human shields in pursuit of agitation against the Second Amendment is exploitative," said Loudon.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Don’t talk to police! Legal behavior justified a search

fromMarketWatch: It doesn't matter that you respect the rights of others, what you say can be held against you.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process     Police State America

What happens when leftist politicians have total control of a city?

fromNBCBayArea: The NBC Bay Area Investigative Unit surveyed 153 blocks of downtown San Francisco: 
found 41 blocks dotted with needles and 96 blocks sullied with piles of feces.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery     The Government is Not Us

State bans popular AR-15 accessory, police shocked after only 4 people comply

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Some evidence now exists that America is NOT a nation of sheep.
2nd Amendment Assaults

Campus political correctness threatens our democracy and prosperity

fromMarketWatch: Colleges teach political correctness, not the critical thinking our economy demands.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery      Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

250 teachers sign up for 50 seats at concealed carry training session

fromBreitbart: How to make the entire school a safe space. Butler County, Ohio, Sheriff Richard K. Jones offered free concealed carry training for 50 teachers and 250 teachers responded within 24 hours.
Second Amendment Assaults