Moral Bankruptcy

People who follow politics, even casually, learn not to expect high moral standards from politicians. But there are some outrages that show a new low, even for politicians.
Among the consequences of Democrats' recent election victories, especially at the state and local levels, is the election of officials who have publicly announced their opposition to charter schools, and their determination to restrict or roll back the growth of those schools.
What have the charter schools done to provoke such opposition? ... MORE
'Tax Cuts for the Rich'?
Backward-Looking Progressives
The Left's Vision
Words Versus Deeds
Dunbar High School After 100 Years
'Favors' to Blacks
Our Political Predicament
Racial Issues
Misleading Statistics
Old Lies
Black Votes Matter
The War on Cops
What Were We Celebrating?
The Supreme Court Fraud Goes On
The Gun Control Farce
Will Orlando Change Anything?
Is Responsibility Obsolete?
Socialism for the Uninformed
Commencement Season
Grim Choices
Random Thoughts 2016
The 'Voice of the People' Fallacy
Dangerous Donald Trump
Supreme Hypocrisy
Black and White, Left and Right
Desperate Tactics
Trump Rivals Must Consolidate to Run America
Hillary's Paranoid Identity Politics
Tragedy and Choices
Toxic Words
Grow Up
Do Emotions Trump Facts
The Demand for Villians
What are Elections For?
Messing with the Constitution
Complicating the Obvious
Remembering 2015
The Busybody Left
Attacking the Truth I
Attacking the Truth II
The President's Speech
A Resurgence of Intolerance
Political Translations
Stop the Bleeding
The Ben Carson Flaps
Ignoring the Obvious
Hillary 2.0
Undefined Words Are A Big Plus in Politics
The Gun Control Farce
The 'Gun Control Farce: Part II
Charlatans and Sheep
Charlatans and Sheep: Part II
Charlatans and Sheep: Part III
Affordable Housing Fraud
The Left Has Its Pope
Why Have Elections?
The Past and the Future of the Refugee Crisis
A Revealing Clue
Sorting The Candidates
Random Thoughts
A Debatable 'Debate'
The Trump Card
Documented Irresponsibility
A Historic Catastrophe
The Fact-Free Left
Is the Civil War Over?
Looking Back
Supreme Court Disasters
Hillary and History
Who Lost Iraq?
Paying the Price
The Federal Reserve - Promises Vs. Reality
Graduation Gifts
Just Asking
Race, Politics and Lies
Anti-Trust Law and Lawlessness
Chaos In The Primaries
The New Inquisition
The Iran 'Agreement' Charade
Etiquette Versus Annihilation
A Simple Question
Ruinous 'Compassion'
The 'Disparate Impact' Racket
The Honesty Gap
Guiliani Vs Obama
Glib, "Happy Talk"
Measles, Vaccinations and Autism
Obama Vs America
Random Thoughts
Diversity In Action
New Year's Irresolution
The Equality Racket
2014: A Year Of Anniversaries
Who's Responsible for the NY Cop Killings?
Tortured Reasoning
Is Law Optional?
'Tax Cuts for the Rich'?
Backward-Looking Progressives
The Left's Vision
Words Versus Deeds
Dunbar High School After 100 Years
'Favors' to Blacks
Our Political Predicament
Racial Issues
Misleading Statistics
Old Lies
Black Votes Matter
The War on Cops
What Were We Celebrating?
The Supreme Court Fraud Goes On
The Gun Control Farce
Will Orlando Change Anything?
Is Responsibility Obsolete?
Socialism for the Uninformed
Commencement Season
Grim Choices
Random Thoughts 2016
The 'Voice of the People' Fallacy
Dangerous Donald Trump
Supreme Hypocrisy
Black and White, Left and Right
Desperate Tactics
Trump Rivals Must Consolidate to Run America
Hillary's Paranoid Identity Politics
Tragedy and Choices
Toxic Words
Grow Up
Do Emotions Trump Facts
The Demand for Villians
What are Elections For?
Messing with the Constitution
Complicating the Obvious
Remembering 2015
The Busybody Left
Attacking the Truth I
Attacking the Truth II
The President's Speech
A Resurgence of Intolerance
Political Translations
Stop the Bleeding
The Ben Carson Flaps
Ignoring the Obvious
Hillary 2.0
Undefined Words Are A Big Plus in Politics
The Gun Control Farce
The 'Gun Control Farce: Part II
Charlatans and Sheep
Charlatans and Sheep: Part II
Charlatans and Sheep: Part III
Affordable Housing Fraud
The Left Has Its Pope
Why Have Elections?
The Past and the Future of the Refugee Crisis
A Revealing Clue
Sorting The Candidates
Random Thoughts
A Debatable 'Debate'
The Trump Card
Documented Irresponsibility
A Historic Catastrophe
The Fact-Free Left
Is the Civil War Over?
Looking Back
Supreme Court Disasters
Hillary and History
Who Lost Iraq?
Paying the Price
The Federal Reserve - Promises Vs. Reality
Graduation Gifts
Just Asking
Race, Politics and Lies
Anti-Trust Law and Lawlessness
Chaos In The Primaries
The New Inquisition
The Iran 'Agreement' Charade
Etiquette Versus Annihilation
A Simple Question
Ruinous 'Compassion'
The 'Disparate Impact' Racket
The Honesty Gap
Guiliani Vs Obama
Glib, "Happy Talk"
Measles, Vaccinations and Autism
Obama Vs America
Random Thoughts
Diversity In Action
New Year's Irresolution
The Equality Racket
2014: A Year Of Anniversaries
Who's Responsible for the NY Cop Killings?
Tortured Reasoning
Is Law Optional?