July 11, 2016

San Francisco’s crisis looks like New York’s future

fromNYPost: Both SF and NY are one-party towns. They’re incubators of uber-liberal policies. Both cities have produced astonishing inequality, an ever-shrinking middle class and a deepening homeless problem.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery                   The Government is Not Us

California university works to reduce number of white people on campus

fromTheCollegeFix: “In 2011, the campus was 63 percent Caucasian,” the May 2 report informs readers, “in fall of 2017, it was less than 55 percent … but there is still much work to do.”
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

MSNBC does not merely permit fabrications against Democratic Party critics. It  rewards them.

fromTheIntercept: NBC News and MSNBC have essentially merged with the CIA and intelligence community and thus, use their tactics. The network is filled with former generals and CIA officials.
Media Bias on Parade

How government caused 'the boy crisis’

fromReason: Author Warren Farrell says welfare programs encourage fatherless households.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

The rise of mass knife attacks around the world shows the problem isn't guns. It's people

fromZeroHedge: In China, where firearms are tightly restricted, it’s probably no surprise that those who want to hurt people found another way to do it.
2nd Amendment Assaults

How the United Kingdom became a police state

fromMises: Hopefully, a cautionary tale. More likely, a preview of coming attractions
Police State America