October 31, 2018

A national debt 6 times the size of the economy? That's where America is heading.

fromReason: While federal revenue will continue to rise as well, it will not keep up with spending.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

3 steps to get the government out of your life

fromTheDailyBell: Step one: stop taking the bait
The Government is Not Us

Trump’s tariffs are backfiring even on industries that were supposed to benefit from trade protectionism

fromAEI: Trump’s steel tariffs are backfiring even for the US steelmakers who were supposed to be the main beneficiaries of tariffs since the whole point of Trump’s protectionism was to artificially prop up high-cost.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Parents outraged after school shaved large patches of hair from kids’ heads to drug test them

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Government's compliant slave training. Students in a Kansas middle school were humiliated after officials removed large chunks of their hair to comply with the school's drug test policy.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange     The Government is Not Us

How the government uses its giant facial recognition database

fromTheDailyBell: Government used the terrorism crisis to deploy its massive domestic surveillance scheme
Read about the real reason it exists.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Walter E Williams: Democratic-controlled House

fromCreators: The Founders recognized that we need government; however, they also recognized that the essence of government is force and that force is evil.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption