Dec 17, 2018

District court judge in Texas holds Obamacare is unlawful

fromReason: Do you really care why or are you just going to rejoice?
Regulation Nation

Greedy California politicians eyeball text messaging tax as new resource to mine

fromTheMercuryNews: Millennials favor socialism. They are also the ones who text message most. Perhaps there is a warped kind of justice going on here. 
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery      Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

He ain't no Henry Ford---Elon Musk's taxpayer-funded gravy train

fromDavidStockmansContraCorner: Tesla cars are financed by over $280 million in federal tax incentives, including a $7,500 federal tax break and millions more in state rebates and development fees. Can you say crony capitalism?
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The EPA wants to get out of puddles and ditches. Environmental activists are outraged.

fromReason: A welcome new federal approach under the Clean Water Act. The Obama EPA defined "navigable water" as basically every ditch, puddle, pond, etc. which made them all fall under its jurisdiction.
Regulation Nation

Three Clinton Foundation whistleblowers to testify about tax Crimes, pay-for-play

fromZeroHedge: Following allegations of sloppy accounting, potential tax fraud and pay-to-play, the Clinton Foundation will be under a Congressional microscope this week.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The EFF gift guide: What’s creeping us out

fromEFF: Here are some gifts being pushed this year that, from a privacy or security standpoint, are on our naughty list.