Dec 9, 2018

The Russia investigation is about criminalizing peace

fromRonPaulInstitute: The mainstream left and state serving-media voices are trying to gaslight an entire generation into believing any candidate that wants peace with Russia may be a foreign conspirator.
Defense Versus The War Machine

Taxpayers to be held liable after cops tortured man strapped to a chair with pepper spray

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A judge has refused to dismiss excessive force claims against police after multiple officers were seen on video surrounding a man in a restraint chair and hitting him with pepper spray in his face.
Police State America

Feds received whistleblower evidence in 2017 alleging Clinton Foundation wrongdoing

fromTheHill: Is the Clinton family charity really the international do-gooder that earned a perfect four-star rating from Charity Navigator, or does it suffer from corruption and illegalities as conservatives allege?
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

VIDEO: Fake News Reports: The Migrant Caravan

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: Perhaps nothing is more illustrative of media bias than coverage of the migrant caravan. Tucker Carlson, Buck Sexton.
Media Bias on Parade

When nonviolence isn't enough

fromReason: Does the right to self-defense apply against agents of the state?
The Government is Not Us

The violence against women act is an insult to fairness

fromTheDailyCaller: from Wendy McElroy: "Any legislation that benefits one gender at the expense of another or one race at the expense of another is invalid on its face, and it should be rejected."
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery