Feb 25, 2019

The case for legalizing blackmail

fromMises:  Don't confuse blackmail with extortion. Extortion is about applying pressure under threat of bodily harm. Blackmail is about applying pressure under threat of simply revealing the truth.

Phony Houston drug warrant prompts FBI investigation and review of 1,400 cases

fromReason:  Lying to justify a search that killed two people could be a capital crime.

NYC fast-food workers stunned some are being fired after $15 minimum wage hike

fromFEE:  Serving as ground zero for the $15 minimum wage battle, New York City saw its fast-food workers also serve as the subjects in an experiment that completely ignored the laws of economics.

The top four reasons California Is unsustainable

fromForbes:   California is moving ever farther left and wants the nation to pay for it. Economically, it is on a high-speed rail to unsustainability.

VIDEO: Away with Pretenses - Unabashed Media Bias

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  From Tucker Carlson Tonight, commentary from Lara Logan and Brit Hume on how the pretense of objectivity no longer exists in modern journalism.

To reduce money in politics, slash the size of government

fromReason:  Reformers always have a new scheme to take “the money out of politics," but it usually just makes the government larger and campaign spending increase.