October 16, 2020


Guess who ends up paying those taxes meant only for the rich…

fromDailyBell: It always starts by targeting the rich… but taxes have always crept their way down to rob the middle class just the same as the rich.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Walter E Williams: Racial deception

fromCreators: If it has now become acceptable to call oneself a woman, when one has the anatomical equipment of a male, then why isn't it okay to claim that one is black, Latino or Asian when one is really Caucasian?
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Why Biden and Harris refuse to give an answer about Court-packing

fromReason: They know the media won’t make them — and they need to hide their radical agenda.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

German-Style internet censorship catches on around the world

fromReason: Inspired by Germany's notorious hate-speech law, more countries seek to impose steep penalties on platforms that don't comply with their censorship whims.
Indoctrination and Censorship

The new media has become like the old media—and that means the usual bias

fromReason: Inspired by Germany's notorious hate-speech law, more countries seek to impose steep penalties on platforms that don't comply with their censorship whims.
Indoctrination and Censorship                 Media Bias on Parade

The election has already been hijacked and the winner decided: 'We the People' lose

fromRutherfordInstitute: John Whitehead commentary. "The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the Deep State will win and “we the people” will lose."
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption