October 11, 2020


Walter E Williams: The fight for free speech

fromCreators: "Tyrants everywhere, from the Nazis to the communists, started out supporting free speech rights. Why? Because speech is important for the realization of leftist goals of command and control. People must be propagandized, proselytized and convinced. Once leftists have gained power, as they have in most of our colleges and universities, free speech becomes a liability. It challenges their ideas and agenda and must be suppressed."
Indoctrination and Censorship

The paradox of prosperity

fromMises: The present fascination with socialism and hatred of capitalism reflects a combination of willful historical blindness, lack of simple common sense, and inexcusable economic ignorance.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

How government literally drives people insane

fromDailyBell: We cannot even simply live on a piece of land without being coerced by government to earn some money in order to pay the property taxes.
The Government is Not Us

Why Biden and Harris refuse to give an answer about court-packing

fromNationalReview: They know the media won’t make them -- and they need to hide their radical agenda.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption                           The Government is Not Us

America's Constitution is our basis for liberty…

fromBridgeValleyPioneer: America is freedom. Destroying freedom destroys America. Once America is destroyed, there is no bringing it back.
The Government is Not Us

John Lennon at 80: One man against the deep state ‘monster’

fromRutherfordInstitute: Years after Lennon’s assassination it would be revealed that the FBI had collected 281 pages of files on him, including song lyrics. J. Edgar Hoover directed the agency to spy on the musician.
The Government is Not Us