November 17, 2020


Journalists should care about election fraud

fromCreators: We cannot know the truth about charges of election mistakes and/or fraud any more than anyone knew conclusively for years if rumors of 2016 Russian collusion were true or false. 

Solar and wind power struggle as California faces blackouts

fromReason: Decisions to opt for low-quality politically-correct energy sources leaves residents in the dark. 

Liberals view government as charity

fromTownhall: Democrats view government as the center of life and the giver of all good things. And that doesn’t come for free. 

The Georgia recount may be as corrupt as the election itself

fromAmericanThinker: On Friday, Georgia began to recount votes.  However, within a short time, reports came in that the recount process was being conducted with as little respect for transparency as the original vote count. 

Donald Trump’s likeliest path to staying in office

fromTheCritic: A contingent election would provide at least a patina of respectable constitutionalism. 

How the elite trap you in their unfree world

fromTheDailyBell: The government is a big trap designed to keep people in its orbit. You are supposed to work within the context the government provides to live your life, make money, and affect social change. 
Or you’re at least supposed to be too afraid of the government to step out of line.