November 7, 2020


Why the Nevada challenge could be important to the presidential election

fromJonathanTurley: It turns out that some things that happen in Vegas may not stay in Vegas . . . like voting. 
The Republican Party in the Silver State is now arguing that thousands of votes in the close presidential election were cast by workers who moved out of the state or even by deceased individuals.  

America's disastrous drug war is finally unravelling

fromReason: Voters came out for legalizing marijuana, removing criminal penalties for psychedelic use, and treating drug addiction as a public health concern. 

Social media censorship now seeking to shelter voter fraud

fromGatewayPundit: Gofundme shuts down fund for data analysts investigating 2020 voter fraud after raising over $220,000 — new campaign launched on 
Media Bias on Parade                              Indoctrination and Censorship

The Kafka election: finding a way out of the maze

fromRealClearPolitics: Seemingly insurmountable Republican victories disappear into the mouth of a vote-munching machine and come out the other side as Democratic leads just beyond the reach of a recount.  

'Glitch' in Michigan erroneously Gave 1000s Of Votes To Biden; up to 47 counties compromised

fromZeroHedge: Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes says the election has been 'compromised,' and is taking a personal leave to help the Trump campaign investigate. Uncanny how errors always favor Democrats. 

Don’t forget LBJ’s election theft

fromFFF: LBJ had written the playbook for election shenanigans in 1948.