February 20, 2021

fromAmericanGreatness:  Victor Davis Hanson.  "An ungracious and neurotic elite whose judgment is bankrupt and whose privilege is paid for by those who don’t have it threatens to drag us to the depths of unreason."

fromTheFederalist:  New York and California were locked down tighter than a fat woman's sock, but Florida largely remained open.

fromEpochTimes:  Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office mandating the advancement of “racial equity,” a quasi-Marxist critical race theory that focuses on equality of outcome, not opportunity.

fromReason:  Police officers shouldn't be above the law.

fromAccuracyInMedia:  Haters hate. That is just what they do. The mainstream media came to regard Rush Limbaugh much like the devil regards holy water.

fromLibertyNation:  Texans experienced an unprecedented cold snap with ice and snow that brought the 25% of electrical power produced by wind turbines in the state to a halt.