June 10, 2021                                             

fromAmericanGreatness: A man disarmed by his government is not a citizen — he’s a subject.

fromReason: Critics said Gov. Greg Abbott's decision was "extraordinarily dangerous" and reflected "Neanderthal thinking." What if the economic devastation of lockdowns was unnecessary?

fromRealClearInvestigations: Traditional standards used to measure achievement and provide opportunity are being rejected by schools, corporations, and governments in favor of race and gender quotas.

fromTheHill: The For the People Act would effectively make it impossible for states to guard against even the most basic forms of voter fraud.

fromWashingtonFreeBeacon: A Christian schoolteacher will be allowed back into the classroom after a judge ruled the Loudoun County, Va., school district wrongfully suspended him for criticizing its proposed transgender policies. 

fromLibertyNation: With the anti-gun trifecta of Biden, Garland, and – should he be confirmed – ATF Director David Chipman, the agency is ready to get to work.