August 7, 2021                                             

fromRealClearPolitics: Here are three reasons why the recall won’t happen, and three reasons why it might.

fromJonathanTurley: Do you have a right to leave your home to eat or recreate if you are a “non-vac?”

fromReason: The government and media relied on studies plagued by shoddy statistics to make the case for blocking evictions during the COVID-19 pandemic.

fromRealClearEnergy: Virtue signaling is defined at the act of publicly expressing opinions in order to demonstrate that you are a good person.

fromRedState: A senator (Joe Manchin) is literally funneling a billion dollars of taxpayer money to an organization headed by his wife after she was given an appointment due to his influence.

fromUnderstandingDeepPolitics: “We persuaded our children that they were going to murder their grandma if they dared to be what they are, children. Or if they met their friends. None of this has been scientifically proven.”