October 29, 2021                                             

fromAmericanGreatness:  They simply spread untruths to protect their own endangered careers by masking their own wrongdoing or fobbing it onto others. 

fromBreitbart:  The White House released a new series of images to promote the “life of Linda” under President Joe Biden’s proposed Build Back Better agenda, promoting the idea of a government role from the cradle to the grave.

fromMises:  The Venezuelan government recently lopped off six zeros from its hyperinflating currency, the bolivar.  The highest denomination currency note of 1 million bolivars, worth less than $.25, was replaced by a one-bolivar note.  At the same time, a 100-bolivar note, worth about $25.00, was introduced as the highest denomination. 

fromReason:  Getting a law passed is not the same thing as getting people to obey.

fromAIER:  All value is subjective, and no good or service has any intrinsic value. This subjectivity of value is one of the most significant concepts in economics. In this simple but profound insight, we discover how buyers and sellers can both come out ahead on a deal.