January 17, 2022                                             

fromReason: Many Americans are fleeing restrictive jurisdictions and moving to places that respect their liberty. So where should a Californian go?

fromBearingArms: Smart guns are a product without any real market. Your average gun buyer has little to no interest in a smart gun. Only the government does.

fromMichaelShellenberger/Substack: Progressives say they care more about working people and climate change than Republicans and moderates. Why, then, do they advocate policies that make energy expensive and dirty?

fromHotAir: With the Democratic Party on course for a devastating midterm election, people close to the Clintons said the former first couple sees it as an opportunity to insert themselves back into political life.

fromDailySignal: The list includes the Department of Justice, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Transportation, and the Department of the Treasury, to name only a few. Why?

fromReason: The dog torturer/monkey mutilator who calls himself science gets called out by senate candidate.