January 31, 2022                                             

fromIssues&Insights: The left-biased American media, with a few notable exceptions, have essentially thrown a blanket over startling revelations of corruption. For them, it is nothing to see here, move along.  Media Bias on Parade

fromZeroHedge: Governments waking up to the power truckers have as the movement spreads like wildfire across the globe could be what is needed to regain some medical freedom and at least put an end to forced vaccinations.

fromGlennGreenwald/Substack: All factions, at certain points, succumb to the impulse to censor. But for the Democratic Party's liberal adherents, silencing their adversaries has become their primary project.

fromStossel/Rumble: STOP! You probably broke the law today! Criminal law has exploded. There are more than 300,000 federal laws alone. 98% are created, not by Congress, but by unelected bureaucrats.   

fromRussellBrand/YouTube: Inconvenient truths must be brushed under the rug.

fromMSN: Whether in lock-step or goose-step, the rest of the ruling class amplifies Biden's thirst for something, anything that provides respite from domestic catastrophe.