May 16, 2022                                       

fromReason: The CDC projects that the total for 2021 will be nearly 108,000 when the numbers are finalized, up 15 percent from 2020, when the number of deaths jumped by 30 percent.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

fromIssuesInsights: From abortion to school shutdowns to runaway inflation to baby-food shortages, seemingly everything Democrats do these days has an adverse effect on children.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

fromMises: In our time the most powerful theocratic parties are opposed to the world's great religions. Today's theocrats believe they alone can plan society and that are enlightened.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

fromNYPost: The CDC projects that the total for 2021 will be nearly 108,000 when the numbers are finalized, up 15 percent from 2020, when the number of deaths jumped by 30 percent.
Inflation Nation

fromTownhall: Radical activists, or as they would call themselves, teachers, have created “transition closets” so students can dress as the gender they identify with while at school. Unbeknown to their parents, kids can enter a “transition closet” and choose from a wide variety of clothes and accessories to correlate with their desired gender that day. They would change into their normal clothes before going home, so as to leave their parents in the dark.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

fromGlennGreenwald/Substack: Dems voting YES have long denounced these sorts of bills. What happened?
Defense Versus The War Machine