July 7, 2022

fromWashingtonExaminer: California has its freedoms, too — it's true — but you can only commit assisted suicide so many times before it starts getting old. Is it worth having to live under California taxation just to know that you live in a state that allows ninth-month abortions? Is it worth paying double for electricity and quadruple for rent to live amid homeless encampments just for the peace of mind that none of your neighbors are "Rethuglicans"?

fromDailyBell: The “Disinformation Governance Board” went belly-up last month. Apparently, the Orwellian authoritarianism was just too blatant. But the censorship agenda certainly didn’t go away, it just changed forms. 

fromFrontPageMag: An army of privileged unhappy neurotic women - with an endless amount of spare time.

fromFreeThoughtProject: "Zuckerberg’s company offered its biggest media critics big checks in exchange for exclusive deals. Both sides claimed to be “fighting misinformation” with what was really a shakedown and a cartel."

fromReason: The WNBA player has been detained in Russia on drug possession charges since February.

fromCreators: The agency's policies would boost the black market and Smoking-related deaths.