July 14, 2022

fromChrisFreiman/Substack: Libertarians are no doubt dismayed by the FDA’s recent ban on Juul vaping products and the news that the Biden administration is planning to mandate lower nicotine levels in cigarettes. But libertarians shouldn’t be the only ones opposed to state-enforced nicotine restrictions.

fromJonathanTurley/USAToday: The president's call to "vote, vote, vote, vote" is the same as the court's call. However, the result might not be clear as the president suggests in a country where only 34% support abortion in the second trimester and only 19% in the third trimester.

fromOrganicPrepper: It’s not just alternative media sites like ZeroHedge or Mercola. Mainstream media turns on their own people the second they ask the wrong questions.

fromBrownstoneInstitute: There is also rising awareness of government excesses in violating freedoms and liberties. In a global survey of 52,000 people by the Democracy Perceptions Index, in 50 of the 53 countries surveyed, people expressed net agreement (that is, agreement minus disagreement) with the proposition: “their government has gone too far in limiting people’s freedoms.”

fromJustTheNews: From debunked incitement claim to refuted hearsay allegation about a Trump lunge for wheel of presidential vehicle, panel has provided high-visibility forum for fictions and fallacies.

fromLewRockwell: Many, especially libertarians, might respond that Twitter as a private company has the right to do business with anyone they wish. That is true, but only to the extent that Twitter is actually acting as a private entity. The real question is to what degree has Twitter and the other social media companies been directly doing the bidding of government?