July 23, 2022

fromSpiked: The obsession with climate change is hammering the poor and driving voters to the right.

fromTheNation: Rather than substantively critiquing the president's policies or priorities, even Democrats are now criticizing Biden for being “too old.”

fromVictorDavisHanson/RealClearPolitics: The Left should be ecstatic that President Joe Biden has given them everything they wanted. The Left likes inflation. New money reduces the value of money. Those richer who have it, lose the value of their money; those poorer who don't have any money, suddenly do.

fromMises: The Federal Reserve has sabotaged the economy since 1913 with its socialistic interventions. Every single boom created via its artificial credit expansion has resulted in disaster, which includes the Great Depression.

fromAlexBerenson/Substack: Okay, the shots won’t stop you from getting Covid. Or spreading it. Or having symptoms. But they will stop you from getting very sick. Only it doesn’t.