August 1, 2022

fromAmericanThinker: "Information Dominance goes farther than just news.  It uses TV shows, movies, comedians, advertisements, classrooms, and cartoons to guide people to the conclusions the operators want them to have."

fromTheFederalist: According to the CDC, monkeypox can transmit via body fluids, touching an infected person’s rash, “prolonged, face-to-face contact,” and even by handling objects that made contact with someone who has the virus. By my calculation, that means about 100 percent of the country’s population should have the new gorilla AIDS by now. And yet there have only been, according to the CDC, a total of 3,500 confirmed cases, .001 percent of the U.S. population.

fromPostMillennial: Now that restrictions are merely being suggested to curb the spread of Monkeypox, cries of homophobia and discrimination abound.

fromReason: A new report from the Government Accountability Office found that the Federal Student Loan Program will cost over $300 billion more than originally predicted.

fromZeroHedge: The article remained on the UN website for a day or so before being deleted after it went viral on social media, with people horrified at the truly unbelievable evil.

fromBloomberg: “In a year when customers are looking for ways to save money, like-new refurbished products have become an increasingly popular way to cut down on costs without sacrificing quality,” Walmart said in the statement.