Showing posts with label Blacks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blacks. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Scary School Stories

Poor education is not stemming from racism. New York's schools are the most segregated in the nation, and the state needs remedies right away. That was Chancellor Merryl H. Tisch's message to New York's governor and Legislature. She said that minority children are disproportionately trapped in schools that lack teaching talent,  ... MORE

Right From The Dashcam: Seattle PD’s Arrest Of Black Man Is Every Problem With The Justice System In A Nutshell

A law unto themselves.  If there were a video and accompanying story that could be used as a textbook example of every problem with our criminal justice system, this is it. First, watch the cruiser cam video (you only need watch from 1:40 to 7:40). What the video shows is Wingate standing motionless at the crosswalk and Officer Whitlatch    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Liberals' Use Of Black People

Cover for the liberal agenda. Back in the day, when hunting was the major source of food, hunters often used stalking horses as a means of sneaking up on their quarry. They would walk on the opposite side of the horse until they were close enough to place a good shot on whatever they were hunting. A stalking horse not only concealed them but    ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Black Progression And Retrogression

What if racism is not the problem?  There is no question, though it's not acknowledged enough, that black Americans have made greater gains, over some of the highest hurdles and in a very short span of time, than any other racial group in mankind's history. What's the evidence? If black Americans were thought of as a nation with their own gross ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Can Racial Discrimination Explain Much?

Rationalization is not reason.    In the medical profession, there is the admonition primum non nocere, the Latin expression for "first, do no harm." In order not to do harm, at the minimum, requires accurate diagnostics. Suppose a patient presents with abdominal pains, and the physician diagnoses it as caused by the patient's ingrown      ... MORE

Thomas Sowell: A Legacy Of Liberalism

"Legacy of slavery" not the issue.   Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes said there were "phrases that serve as an excuse for not thinking." One of these phrases that substitute for thought today is one that depicts the current problems of blacks in America as "a legacy of slavery." New York Times writer Nicholas Kristof asserts that     ... MORE

We Don’t Need More Promises, We Just Need Freedom

by Kira Davis. This week Rebel Pundit released a video featuring four black, Chicago-area activists boldly questioning the true intentions of Black leadership and the Democrat party in general. The message resonated so thoroughly that the video went viral almost immediately, even being played by the likes of Rush Limbaugh. For me,     ... MORE

'Acting White' Remains a Barrier for Black Education

by John McWhorter. Here we go again. A black woman has articulately battled the idea that using standard English is "acting white" in a video that has gone viral of late, and Jamelle Bouie at Slate has called her out for propagating a myth that black students devalue school. In the eighties, (black) anthropologist John Ogbu with Signithia      ... MORE

Right of Self Defense in Texas Completely Depends on Race

By all means if you're white.    In the first stage of what is known as general adaptation syndrome, a recognized natural response among all vertebrates and many other organisms is hyperarousal or acute stress response. In its more recognizable name, the “fight or flight” response is a natural physiological reaction to a perceived harmful event,    ... MORE

The Police Violence We Aren’t Talking About

by Zoe Carpenter.   Using authority to coerce sexual favors. Police officer Daniel Holtzclaw worked the evening shift, from four in the afternoon until two in the morning, patrolling the northeastern part of Oklahoma City. Between February and June he allegedly sexually assaulted at least seven women while on duty, including a       ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Blacks Must Confront Reality

Slavery isn't the real problem.   Though racial discrimination exists, it is nowhere near the barrier it once was. The relevant question is: How much of what we see today can be explained by racial discrimination? This is an important question because if we conclude that racial discrimination is the major cause of black problems when it isn't, then      ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Please Stop Helping Us

Misplaced loyalty.     While reading the first chapter of Jason Riley’s new book, “Please Stop Helping Us,” I thought about Will Rogers’ Prohibition-era observation that “Oklahomans vote dry as long as they can stagger to the polls.” Demonstrative of similar dedication, one member of Congress told Vanderbilt University political scientist Carol Swain  ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Do Blacks Need Favors?

Stopping educational fraud is all that is necessary.     Earlier this month, the 50th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act was celebrated. During the act's legislative debate, then-Sen. Hubert Humphrey, responding to predictions, promised, "I'll eat my hat if this leads to racial quotas." I don't know whether Humphrey got around to keeping  ... MORE

How Minimum Wage Laws Promote Racial Discrimination

by Gary North.       It was over 40 years ago that I first heard Walter Williams speak at a conference. Anyway, I think it was over 40 years ago. It could not have been less. He and I were on what speakers call the rubber-chicken circuit as early as 1974. We spoke to high school teachers in a program sponsored by the intercollegiate Studies Institute,   ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Slavery Reparations

Just another hustle.         Calls for slavery reparations have returned with the publication of Ta-Nehisi Coates' "The Case for Reparations" in The Atlantic magazine (May 21, 2014). In making his argument, Coates goes through the horrors of slavery, Reconstruction, Jim Crow and gross racial discrimination. First off, let me say that I agree with reparations  ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Race And Freedom

America should be a free speech zone.     Cliven Bundy should be happy for the public revelation of the private comments of fellow racist Donald Sterling; the latter has replaced the former as the person Americans most love to hate. These two bigots recently spewed racial hatred: Bundy suggesting that African-Americans might do      ... MORE

Christopher West: Lincoln Sucked At Ending Slavery

The exception to the 13th Amendment.     Death row inmate Ray Jasper, who has never used the internet, wrote an article that went viral. Part of his appeal is that he made it sound like he was innocent. Not true, it turns out he slit a man’s throat. But what stuck out to me, was his description of the prison system. First off, he was the only black  ... MORE