Showing posts with label dishonesty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dishonesty. Show all posts

Brent Bozell: Hillary's 'Victory Lap' Of Lies

Hillary Clinton gives false testimony, journalists yawn.     To hear the media tell it, Hillary Clinton came to Capitol Hill as a bullfighter and easily killed the angry bulls of the House Benghazi committee. The "mainstream" media wondered why these crazy Republicans would "walk into the trap" of trying to scrutinize and question a media    ... MORE

Avik Roy: Flatlined - White House Says Obamacare Exchange Enrollment Growth To Collapse In 2016

Not difficult to understand.   For years, this blog has been warning about how the high cost of Obamacare-sponsored insurance would limit the law’s expansion of health coverage. Well, the chicken has come home to roost. Today, the Obama administration announced that it projected dramatically lower enrollment growth for Obamacare’s      ... MORE

Climate Alarmist Lets It Slip: Why They Want To Scare You

by Kerry Jackson.  World savers are anything but. They always have an unspoken motive. H.L. Mencken saw the self-appointed saviors for what they were almost a century ago, when he said the "whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins,   ... MORE

VIDEO: Official Deception - The Benghazi Video Lie

Rep Jim Johnson (R-Oh) grills Hillary Clinton as to her role in deceiving the American people about the true cause of Benghazi attack the killed Ambassador Chris Stevens.

Thomas Sowell: Undefined Words Are A Big Plus In Politics

Charlatans work the hot buttons.   At the recent televised debate among candidates for the Democrats' nomination for president, Hillary Clinton declared that "the wealthy pay too little" in taxes and "the middle class pays too much." Some people might wish to argue about whether that is true or not, but no rational argument can be made on either  ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Why Is Hillary So Unhappy?

Her own worst enemy is hiding in the mirror.    Why is Hillary Clinton so unhappy? According to her, when she and her husband left the White House, they were dead broke. Yet they left with a truckload of valuable furniture, dinnerware and flatware that was the property of the federal government, for which they were never prosecuted.      ... MORE

VIDEO: Ted Cruz, Mark Steyn - That 97% GW Consensus

Joseph Farah: 3 Reasons You Can't Trust Washington

Love your country, but never trust your gov't - Bob Novak. Far too many Americans have come to the conclusion that only the federal government can solve problems.  The Democrats all believe it.  Lots of Republican politicians accept it.  For the news media, it’s an article of faith.  But America was founded on the notion that powerful  ... MORE

Is Obamacare Officially A Money Laundering Scheme?

by Mytheos Holt. Could the failed Obamacare exchanges have been merely an excuse to direct payola to safely Democratic states? Based on a new report from the Government Accountability Office, and the actions of acting head of the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Studies (CMS) Andrew Slavitt, the answer may well be yes. Let’s start with the report.   ... MORE

Jacob Sullum: Did Marijuana Make Him Do It?

What passes for the prohibitionist's cautionary tale.  Between 1911, when Massachusetts became the first state to ban marijuana, and 1937, when Congress made pot prohibition the law of the land, cannabis acquired a reputation as a "killer drug" that drove people to irrational acts of violence. Since 2012, when Colorado became the first state  ... MORE

Chris Cillizza: Just When You Thought The E-Mail Story Couldn’t Get Worse For Hillary Clinton …

Death by a thousand cuts.           After several weeks of relative dormancy, the story of Hillary Clinton's private e-mail server surged back into the news Tuesday night, with a trio of stories that suggest things are going to get worse before (or perhaps if) they get better for the former secretary of state's 2016 campaign. Here's what we learned:   ... MORE

Hillary Clinton's CNN Interview: 9 Questions, 0 Answers

by Tom S. Elliott.    Watch the video montage. This past Thursday, Wolf Blitzer managed to score a 14-minute interview with Hillary Clinton, during which he was free to wrest as many answers from the press-shy candidate as he could. The number of answers she actually gave? Zero. Hillary bobbed, weaved, ducked, dodged, and ultimately avoided      ... MORE

Why You Should Care About The Hillary Chronicles

by Andrew Napolitano.    America's criminal candidate. The bad news has continued to cascade onto the Hillary Clinton for President campaign, and none of it has anything to do with Clinton's opinions on issues. It all is about her fitness for office. Since Labor Day, we have learned that the folks into whose hands Clinton reposed her computer server for  ... MORE

50 Spies Say ISIS Intelligence Was Cooked

Government lies about success against ISIS.   It’s being called a ‘revolt’ by intelligence pros who are paid to give their honest assessment of the ISIS war—but are instead seeing their reports turned into happy talk. More than 50 intelligence analysts working out of the U.S. military’s Central Command have formally complained that their reports   ... MORE

A Sneaky Way To Reduce Social Security Benefits

Ponzi's next move: raise the retirement age. Americans like their Social Security benefits quite a bit: They oppose cuts to them by a margin of two to one. Even Millennials, who won’t be seeing benefits anytime soon, feel protective of Social Security, according to a poll from the Pew Research Center. One way to effectively      ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Political Promises And Other Lies

Jacob Sullum: A British Lesson On Vaping For The CDC

But do option-reducing regulators care?   Public Health England (PHE), a government agency, recently published a detailed report on electronic cigarettes that describes them as far less dangerous than the conventional kind and recommends them as a harm-reducing alternative. "Encouraging smokers who cannot or do not want to stop smoking  ... MORE