Showing posts with label growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label growth. Show all posts

Jonathan Hoenig: The Economic Police State

When the economy is not free, neither are you.   Taking a page from the United States, Argentina announced plans last week to stimulate its stagnant economy with no-cost housing loans. The idea is to boost growth by intervening in the supposedly "free" economy. It won't work. Japan's decades of infrastructure spending, government-  ... MORE

Kevin D. Williamson: Detroit - The Moral Of The Story

Lessons among the ruins. The Left’s answer to the deficit: raise taxes to protect spending. The Left’s answer to the weak economy: raise taxes to enable new spending. The Left’s answer to the looming sovereign-debt crisis: raise taxes to pay off old spending. For the Left, every deficit is a revenue-side problem, not a spending-side problem, and the     ... MORE

Phyllis Schlafly: Obama Lunges Toward Global Government

His second term could take us over the cliff.   One of the biggest issues in the November election is whether we will continue or stop President Obama's move toward restricting U.S. sovereignty and rushing down the road to global governance. One would think that the obvious failure of the European Union and disdain for the euro would put  ... MORE

Veronique de Rugy: America's Small-Business Fetish

When it comes to job creation, size doesn't matter. On February 12, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) sent a message to his 62,550 followers on Twitter: “Small business is the job growth engine in this country and we need to pursue policies that reflect that reality to create jobs.” Cantor was wrong on both counts. Despite overwhelming conventional  ... MORE

Peter Ferrara: Obama's Unemployment Rate Stuck At 11%

America's decline is not inevitable.   This latest recession started in December, 2007.  Since the Great Depression 75 years ago, recessions in America have lasted an average of 10 months, with the longest previously lasting 16 months, not counting this latest spooky downturn. The National Bureau of Economic Research, the recognized scorekeeper of when  ... MORE

Arthur Brooks: A Moral Case For Free Enterprise

Excerpted and adapted from "The Road to Freedom." Liberals often accuse conservatives of being obsessed by morality. But the truth is, many conservatives are reluctant to talk about morals or make a moral case for anything in politics and policy. They're willing to talk about principles, perhaps. Values, maybe. But morals? That evokes unpleasant    ... MORE

Steven Greenhut: How Big Government Is Killing California

Bad destination for entrepreneurs, free spirits and dreamers. The new USC study pointing to a much-slower population growth rate in California has been greeted by demographers and urban planners as good news, in that it supposedly gives our state’s leaders a little breathing room to plan better for the future. The rate of growth has slowed to ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Toward The Conquest Of World Poverty

Even communist eventually have to make peace with reality. Progress can often be defined as the stuff that happens while humanity is preoccupied with everything that is going wrong. On the surface, the first decade of the 21st century looks like an ugly parade of terrorism, war and economic convulsion. But in one important sense it stands as   ... MORE

Ira Stoll: Why Capitalism Isn't Going Anywhere

Only system know to increase both growth and freedom. At the height of the financial crisis in late 2008 and early 2009, a wave of articles declared the end of capitalism. A half-dozen reporters writing about the issue called Allan Meltzer, who since 1957 has been teaching about capitalism at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.       ... MORE