Showing posts with label news. Show all posts
Showing posts with label news. Show all posts

Walter E Williams: Should Black People Tolerate This?

Each year, roughly 7,000 blacks are murdered.     Ninety-four percent of the time, the murderer is another black person. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, between 1976 and 2011, there were 279,384 black murder victims. Using the 94 percent figure means that 262,621 were murdered by other blacks. Though blacks are 13 percent of the     ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel On Journalism, Energy And More

Andrea Stone: Government Surveillance Requests Increase

The FISA Court is a government rubber stamp mechanism. The federal government submitted 1,745 applications in 2011 to a secret intelligence court to investigate -- mostly through wiretapping -- suspected cases of terrorism and espionage, a 10.5 percent increase over the year before, according to a Justice Department report    ... MORE

VIDEO: Obama Campaign Makes Fraudulent Donations Easy

Accepts credit cards without requiring pesky validating information.

VIDEO: Spring Breakers Grade President Obama

An Extremist The Leftwing Media Is Happy To Ignore

Obama fan pleads guilty to Sheriff Joe Arpaio kill threat.     A Knoxville, Tenn. man admitted on Tuesday that he threatened the lives of Maricopa County, Ariz. sheriff Joe Arpaio and his family because he feared the lawman might undermine Barack Obama by questioning the legitimacy of his birth certificate — his eligibility to serve as president.    ... MORE

Robert Stacy McCain: The Breitbart Experience

His powerful voice for individual liberty will be missed.      Last Friday, at 10:30 p.m., Andrew Breitbart sent me a two-word text message: "Where y'at?" We were both in Troy, Michigan, that night. He was scheduled to speak at the next day's Americans for Prosperity forum. I was in town to cover the Republican presidential primary campaign. Knowing he would be  ... MORE

Scott Bittle/Jean Johnson: Presidents And The Price Of Oil

The great energy challenge.   If you’re a primary voter, you’ve got your pick of candidates who’ll promise to bring down the price of gasoline. Unfortunately, whoever wins is going to run up against the limits of presidential power pretty quickly. The fact is that presidents don’t have that much authority over the price of oil, for a number of virtually  ... MORE

IBD Editorial: When Global Warming Freezes Over

Alarmists have looked foolish for quite some time now.   Global warming alarmists won't give up their campaign to spread fear and backward thinking until an ice bridge stretches from New York to Paris. Science, though, says they should. Al Gore, who invented global warming hysteria, has most recently been found planning a trip to Antarctica where he will ... MORE

Thomas Lifson: Something Is Rotten At Reuters

An incompetent news service or a propaganda tool?  The Reuters news service once again has made itself a laughingstock by publishing a mistake-riddled hit piece on Marco Rubio, all but ruling him out as a vice presidential nominee for the GOP because of alleged financial problems, many of which turned out to be untrue. Five corrections were necessary. ... MORE

Infowars: Google Is Already Using SOPA-Like Censorship

Publicly, Google opposes internet censorship. Despite Google’s much-heralded support for the anti-SOPA movement, the web giant is already enforcing SOPA-like policies of its own, blacklisting legitimate websites from its news aggregator and following government orders to remove material from its search results and You Tube. As major Internet giants ... MORE

Michael Barone: Obama Thumbs Nose At Founders

An election on the Founders' vision? Of course President Obama is not concentrating on campaigning, White House press spokesmen assured us — as the president headed off to Chicago for three fundraisers and a drop-in at his campaign headquarters, two days after a high-roller fundraising choked off traffic five blocks from the White House, with the assistance of ... MORE

VIDEO: The Left Can't Tolerate Independent Blacks

The true perpetrators of plantation politics reveal themselves again.

Brent Bozell: Herman's High-Tech Lynching

Media bias on brazen display. No one who followed politics 20 years ago will forget the night when Clarence Thomas sent an electric charge through a Senate hearing room. As liberal Democrats pushed the unproven sexual harassment charges of Anita Hill, in an attempt to destroy Thomas's chance to serve on the Supreme Court, Thomas called them out for conducting ... MORE

Merrill Lynch Warns Of Another U.S. Debt Downgrade

Politicians fiddle while Rome burns. The United States is in for another credit downgrade by year’s end if Congress fails to agree on a long-term plan to tame the nation’s $14.8 trillion debt, Merrill Lynch warned. In a research note, the Bank of America unit predicts that either Moody’s or Fitch will move to downgrade the U.S. AAA rating. Standard & Poor’s cut  ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Injustice, In Plain Slight

The trouble with eyewitness testimony. In 1989, a Waukegan, Ill., woman was raped after three men invaded her apartment. She told police the rapist had a tattoo, wore an earring in a pierced ear, and spoke English. Two days later, the cops took her to an office and said, "Watch the one sitting on the chair." Alejandro Dominguez, age 16, had no tattoos or pierced ...  MORE

Gene Healy: The Lessons Of Weinergate

Politicians are less responsible and much dumber than those they seek to rule. Ah, Weinergate, you are the gift that keeps on giving, the crotch-shot that launched a thousand puns. Yet, sadly, some people fancy themselves far too serious to embrace the hilarity. "Just pathetic," an example of "American Puritanism," journalism professor Jeff Jarvis pronounced ... MORE