Showing posts with label nullification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nullification. Show all posts

Rasmussen Poll: Nullification Goes Mainstream

by Mike Maharrey. Day after day, the media pounds out a relentless drumbeat against nullification. Pundits, commentators and so-called legal experts demonize it as unconstitutional, villainize it as racist and trivialize it with slurs like “wacky” and “kookie.” But while the political class continues to arrogantly ridicule Madison and Jefferson’s      ... MORE

Missouri Gun Control Nullification Bill Passes

Will not allow feds to run roughshod over Constitution. As gun control legislation stalls in Washington DC, Missouri is taking matters into its own hands. Known as the “Second Amendment Preservation Act,” House Bill 436 passed the Missouri House of Representatives 117-43. If the bill becomes state law, it will nullify new federal gun laws. It would prohibit       ... MORE

Scott Miller: Nullification Is For Nutcases? Hardly

After all, there is a Tenth Amendment.  Some people want you to believe that only crazy people support resisting federal power on a state or local level.  They’re wrong. In a snarky, condescending article titled, “SC Nullification – Are these guys nuts?,” published in several Palmetto State newspapers, Phil Noble promoted the most repeated      ... MORE

Garth Kent: 340 Sheriffs Refuse To Enforce Gun Control

Standing up against unenforceable knee-jerk reactions.      A Colorado sheriff has joined the list of at least 340 sheriffs who have vowed to uphold the Constitution against gun-control measures that violate Americans’ Second Amendment rights. Weld County Sheriff John Cooke said he and many other county sheriffs “won’t bother enforcing” laws      ... MORE

Growing Number Of States Defy Federal Gun Laws

by Gregory Gwyn-Williams Jr. Shortly after voters in Colorado and Washington State approved measures that legalized the recreational use of marijuana, President Obama told Barbara Walters that his Justice Department would not prosecute pot users in these states. "We've got bigger fish to fry," Obama said. Although the state measures defy ... MORE

Thomas Woods: Is Nullification Unconstitutional?

The logic of sovereignty.     Now on some level, we shouldn’t care: resisting violent people who claim the right to expropriate you and force you around is a natural right, and doesn’t rely on any parchment guarantee. But I for one prefer to address my opponents from every angle I can, including their own. These days we’re seeing a lot of      ... MORE

Washington State Prepares Gun Control Nullification Bill

by Mikael Thalen.     As the call for more gun control continues, governors, lawmakers, sheriffs, and citizens across the country are taking a stand. After the tragic Sandy Hook shooting, gun control advocates immediately jumped on the opportunity to dust off old gun control legislation, specifically advocating for a ban on "assault weapons." ... MORE

Rand Paul's Nullification Proposal Emerges In Gun Debate

By Carl Wicklander.  With a spate of shootings in recent months, there are calls for tighter gun control and President Obama has political capital to spend. Getting much of what he wanted with the fiscal cliff, the president has proposed twenty-three executive orders, a practice he criticized while a U.S. Senator, to address gun policy in the event Congress does not  ... MORE

Police Chief Seeks To Nullify Unconstitutional Gun Control

by Alex Newman.    While the Obama administration and some Democrat lawmakers plot ever more extreme assaults on the Second Amendment, state and local officials across the country are working just as hard to find ways to protect the gun rights of law-abiding citizens in their jurisdictions. One local Pennsylvania police chief is helping to lead the way, asking   ... MORE

Another State To Consider ObamaCare Nullification

Four and counting.    Since the Supreme Court rendered its opinion on the constitutionality of a mandatory federal health care system last summer, many Americans consider the matter settled. But others recognize that despite the pronouncement of five robed federal employees, the Constitution still does not delegate Congress the  ... MORE

Another State Considers ObamaCare Nullification

by Mike Maharrey.   Since the Supreme Court rendered its opinion on the constitutionality of a mandatory federal health care system last summer, many Americans consider the matter settled. But others recognize that despite the pronouncement of five robed federal employees, the Constitution still does not delegate Congress the power to create and run a health ... MORE

Lisa Fabrizio: States -- Our Last Best Hope

Escaping an increasingly tyrannical central government. Way back during the interminable weeks between the 2000 presidential election and the final decision in Bush v. Gore, I spent hours upon hours explaining to otherwise intelligent and politically savvy folks just how this country works. Most of these discussions centered on the       ... MORE

Nullification: What Is It Good For? Absolutely Everything!

by Diane Rufino. Nullification is a term introduced by Thomas Jefferson in 1798 when he drafted the Kentucky Resolves to articulate the reason for the state to oppose an unconstitutional federal law - the Alien and Sedition Acts. Nullification begins with the central premise that a federal law that violates the Constitution is no law at all. It is void and has no ... MORE

Kenric Ward: 'Repeal Amendment' Gets A Virginia Push

Self-defense from an unlimited federal government. Virginians are among the leaders pushing a Repeal Amendment that would give states the option to revoke federal laws or regulations. Touted by conservatives and constitutionalists as a tool to restore the balance of national and state governments, the amendment would enable states to repeal any ... MORE

Walter E Williams: Should We Obey All Laws?

Only if we are truly a nation of sheep. Let's think about whether all acts of Congress deserve our respect and obedience. Suppose Congress enacted a law — and the Supreme Court ruled it constitutional — requiring American families to attend church services at least three times a month. Should we obey such a law? Suppose Congress, acting under the    ... MORE

Washington Times: Virginia Attempts To Nullify The NDAA

Standing up to relentless federal tyranny.    In a stunning display of patriotism and courage, the state of Virginia is attempting to nullify parts of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), specifically the parts that include giving the federal government the power to arrest suspects on simply the suspicion of being a terrorist and indefinitely detaining suspects    ... MORE

TPM: State Nullification Movements Move Forward

Arizona Senate passes bill to create nullification jury. After being shot down earlier this week, the Arizona State Senate revived and successfully passed a bill that would create a mechanism for the state to nullify federal laws. As TPM has reported, Senate Bill 1433 would create a 12-person “Joint Legislative Committee on Nullification of Federal Laws ... MORE