Showing posts with label privacy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label privacy. Show all posts

New Privacy App Takes A Page From NSA Technology

by Rob Lever. Before the National Security Agency began complaining about being shut out of encrypted devices, it helped develop software for secure communications that could be adapted by the private sector. That technology is hitting the public this month in the form of a smartphone application called Scrambl3 from a California startup which   ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Saving The Fourth

The Patriot Act has a bad pedigree and an evil history. In the fearful days immediately following 9/11, the Department of Justice quickly sent draft legislation to Congress that, if enacted, would have permitted federal agents to violate their oaths to uphold the Constitution by writing their own search warrants. The draft subsequently was revealed  ... MORE

Farai Chideya: Your Data Is Showing -- Breaches Continue To Wreak Havoc While the Government Plays Catch-Up

Government's incentive is to infiltrate, not protect.      When Kansas City, Missouri, real estate appraiser Dave Markus learned he was one of about 80 million people whose personal data was exposed in the Anthem health insurance breach discovered at the end of January, he immediately signed up for an identity protection service. But   ... MORE

So Far, Rand Paul Is Winning His Fight: Senate Rejects USA Freedom Act & Rejects Extending NSA Collection Authority

by Scott Shackford.  Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was right. The Senate did not have enough votes to pass the USA Freedom Act, the compromise law that would have restrained, but not eliminated, mass data collection by the National Security Agency (NSA). The vote was 57-42 late this evening (technically early this morning), just    ... MORE

VIDEO: Edward Snowden - The Future Of Digital Security

PCN Editorial: The Surveillance State Is Illegal

Court gives NSA thumbs down.     A U.S. appeals court's ruling that the National Security Agency's metadata collection was illegal turned the spy state upside down in almost 100 pages of common sense and solid understanding of the rights Americans have under the law. It shows, once again, that both common sense and a respect for the rights      ... MORE

Ron Hart: The Court Vindicates Edward Snowden

Who watches the watchers?      “They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.” -Ben Franklin, 1759.  Those of us who defended Edward Snowden in his efforts to expose our government’s illegal data collection activities were vindicated last week, as was Mr. Snowden. In essence,     ... MORE

Rand Paul Threatens To Filibuster Patriot Act Renewal

by Nick Morpus.          Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who energized conservatives, independents and even many progressives in 2013 with his 13-hour drone filibuster, has now threatened to do the same if the Senate attempts to reauthorize the National Security Agency’s mass data collection programs. The New Hampshire Union Leader reports:  ... MORE

Lawmakers Move To End Warrantless Domestic Surveillance

by Grant Gross.    If only we had a Fourth Amendment, this wouldn't be necessary. A new bill in Congress would require law enforcement agencies to get court-ordered warrants before targeting U.S. residents in searches of electronic communications collected by the National Security Agency. The End Warrantless Surveillance of Americans Act, introduced   ... MORE

NSA Spreads Its Message By Producing Coloring Books

Conditioning kids to the police state.      By the time I found the National Security Agency booth on the expo floor at last week’s RSA Conference, all the best shwag was gone. The most prized giveaway was a faux-leather Post-it Note kit bearing the agency’s seal. “We can’t print enough of those,” the agency rep manning the booth told me.   ... MORE

Jeb Bush Agrees With Obama On Secretive, Warrantless, Privacy-Violating Mass Surveillance Program On Citizens

Just like bro.  It’s reasonably rare for potential Republican presidential candidates to compliment the Obama administration, so any time they do, it ends up being fairly revealing. For example, when former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush—who is currently in the process of “actively exploring” a presidential run—was asked yesterday for his thoughts on “the ... MORE

John W. Whitehead: Kick Open The Doorway To Liberty

What are we waiting for?  “The greatness of America lies in the right to protest for right.”—Martin Luther King Jr. Everything this nation once stood for is being turned on its head. Free speech, religious expression, privacy, due process, bodily integrity, the sanctity of human life, the sovereignty of the family, individuality, the right to self-      ... MORE

Rand Paul Vows End Of NSA Spying 'On Day 1' Of Presidency

by Robby Soave.    Taking back America. Rand Paul's campaign kickoff just concluded with a rousing speech by the libertarian-leaning U.S. senator from Kentucky in which he promised that his first act as president would be to stop the NSA's illegal spying on American citizens.  He vowed to win the White House while clutching the Bill of Rights in one ... MORE

Rand Paul Champions An Unenumerated Right To Privacy

by Damon Root.       In his speech yesterday announcing his 2016 presidential campaign, Rand Paul gave the following reasons for why he is seeking the White House: I have a vision for America. I want to be part of a return to prosperity, a true economic boom that lists all Americans, a return to a government restrained by the Constitution. A return  ... MORE

U.S. Secretly Tracked Billions Of Calls For Decades

by Brad Heath.   The U.S. government started keeping secret records of Americans' international telephone calls nearly a decade before the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, harvesting billions of calls in a program that provided a blueprint for the far broader National Security Agency surveillance that followed. For more than two decades, the Justice Department   ...  MORE

California Bill Requires Warrant For Stingray Searches

by Cyrus Farivar.   A toothless Fourth Amendment makes it necessary. A California state bill that would require a warrant to access all kinds of digital data passed its first hurdle after being approved by the Senate Public Safety Committee on Tuesday. Among other sweeping new requirements to enhance digital privacy, the bill notably imposes  ... MORE

House Effort Would Restore Privacy & Kill The Patriot Act

Pushing back against terrorism's victories.       A pair of House lawmakers wants to completely repeal the Patriot Act and other legal provisions to dramatically rein in American spying. Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) on Tuesday unveiled their Surveillance State Repeal Act, which would overhaul American spying powers  ... MORE