Showing posts with label resistance. Show all posts
Showing posts with label resistance. Show all posts

New Cop-Detection Device Warns When They Are Lurking

by John Vibes.     The Blu Eye system works by monitoring frequencies that are used by emergency vehicles and then alerts the driver when those frequencies are nearby. It does not allow the driver to listen in on the encrypted communications, but will simply give a signal when those frequencies are nearby. This is far more advanced and accurate  ... MORE

30 Ways To Avoid The Penalty For Not Buying ObamaCare

by Krystal Steinmetz.     Tens of millions of Americans without health insurance risk being fined by the IRS as part of the Affordable Care Act, which imposes a tax penalty on those who didn’t purchase medical insurance. But tax experts say up to 20 million people are eligible for a waiver. According to Inuit, maker of TurboTax, there are 30     ... MORE

Surveillance States Have Placed Us In An Invisible Prison

by John Twelve Hawks. Going untracked in the digital dystopia. The continuing revelations by Edward Snowden have convinced many of us that we are living in a modern surveillance state. And the problem isn’t just the activities of the National Security Agency and Great Britain’s GCHQ. “Trickle Down Surveillance” has provided spy technology  ... MORE

Scott DeSapio: Thank you, John Aglialoro

Atlas Shrugged III - Who Is John Galt?   A vision of liberty. On September 6th, 2014, I stood up in front of a packed house in Las Vegas, NV, and stated, “This is not the movie that’s been playing in your head since you closed the back cover. This is however, without question, a celebration of Ayn Rand’s ideas.” That packed house was filled    ... MORE

Dick Marple: Jury Nullification Keeps Government In Check

Sept 5th was Jury Rights Day.      It was on that day in 1670 that Quaker William Penn of London was arrested, pleaded not guilty and subsequently argued against England’s Conventicle Acts, which outlawed the practice of religions other than the Church of England. The judge instructed the jurors to find Penn guilty, but they refused to   ... MORE

Matt Agorist: If Cops Come To Your Door Without a Warrant

Shut them down like this guy!     If police come to your door and you don’t need their help, you can simply decline to answer. They cannot come into your home without a search warrant. Even if the police have probable cause, they cannot come in your home without a search warrant. You might even be a suspect in a criminal investigation. In such   ... MORE