Andrew Napolitano - Central Bank Tyranny

Identified early on as a "den of vipers" by Andrew Jackson, our central bank has not disappointed.

David Harsanyi: Abortion, Science and Reason

Is it time for a new debate over abortion?
Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia doctor, is accused of killing babies with scissors after botching late-term abortions -- among hundreds of other hideous acts. The doctor, it was reported, appeared confused by the charges against him ...  MORE

State of the Union: Government Spying

The U. S. Justice Department wants Internet service providers and cell phone companies to be required to hold on to records for a longer time.   MORE 

Ten Reason to Support Herman Cain

Even those conservatives who will not vote for Herman Cain to win the Republican nomination should hope that he does run -- and that his candidacy lasts a long time during the nomination process, perhaps even succeeding.   MORE

Michelle Malkin: Cash for Education Clunkers

"We're going to have to out-educate other countries," President Obama urged this week. How? By out-spending them, of course! It's the same old quack cure for America's fat and failing government-run schools monopoly. The one-trick ponies at the White House call their academic improvement agenda "targeted investing" for "winning the future." Truth in advertising: Get ready to fork over more cash for Education Clunkers.  MORE

Tom Woods: Nullification Update

John Stossel: My State of the Union Address

President Obama fulfilled his constitutional duty and gave his report on the state of the union last night. Here's mine: We're in deep trouble. You know why. Our debt has passed $14 trillion, and yet our current spending plans will make that worse. The U.S. debt will reach Greek levels in just 10 years.  MORE

Radley Balko: Why Cops Aren't Whistleblowers


The shameful stop snitchin' campaign among the men in blue
While awarding Barron Bowling $830,000 last September for the beating he suffered at the hands of a Drug Enforcement Administration agent in Kansas City, Kansas, U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson went out of her way to acknowledge another victim in the disgraceful affair ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Blackout in a Can

FDA nannies are at it again, restricting the options of American consumers. This time, alcoholic energy drinks are the victims.

Thomas Sowell: New Heroes vs Old

When I mention that my family used kerosene lamps when I was a small child in the South during the 1930s, that is usually taken as a sign of our poverty, though I never thought of us as poor at the time.  MORE

Walter E Williams: Can Our Union Be Saved?

National debt is over $14 trillion, the federal budget deficit is $1.4 trillion and, depending on whose estimates are used, the unfunded liability or indebtedness of the federal government (mostly in the form of obligations for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and prescription drugs) is estimated to be between $60 and $100 trillion.  MORE

VIDEO: Social Security, a retrospective

Just how was Social Security sold to the American people? A look back in time with commentary by Milton Friedman and Walter E Williams.

Tea Party Must Embrace Individualism as a Moral Ideal

To deliver on its promise to restore lost freedoms, the tea party must anchor its work in Ayn Rand's understanding that all schemes that sacrifice the individual to society are morally wrong.  ARTICLE

Public Employee Unions Looting American Taxpayers

Lines are being drawn and the fight to reduce overly generous pay and benefits to government employees at the federal, state and local level is underway.  MORE

Tom Woods: The Case for Freedom

Any political philosophy must address itself to a central question:
Under what conditions is the initiation of violence to be considered legitimate?  MORE