VIDEO: Porker of the Month January 2011

No budget deficit is gonna ruin the spending plans of these three.

Jeffrey Lord: Animal Farm Comes to Arizona

"Some animals are more equal than others."  -- George Orwell in Animal Farm
Talk about irony.
For the most unexpected of reasons, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, a supporter of Obamacare, may well become a popular symbol of the reason to repeal it.  MORE

Andrew Napolitano - Central Bank Tyranny

Identified early on as a "den of vipers" by Andrew Jackson, our central bank has not disappointed.

David Harsanyi: Abortion, Science and Reason

Is it time for a new debate over abortion?
Kermit Gosnell, a Philadelphia doctor, is accused of killing babies with scissors after botching late-term abortions -- among hundreds of other hideous acts. The doctor, it was reported, appeared confused by the charges against him ...  MORE

State of the Union: Government Spying

The U. S. Justice Department wants Internet service providers and cell phone companies to be required to hold on to records for a longer time.   MORE 

Ten Reason to Support Herman Cain

Even those conservatives who will not vote for Herman Cain to win the Republican nomination should hope that he does run -- and that his candidacy lasts a long time during the nomination process, perhaps even succeeding.   MORE

Michelle Malkin: Cash for Education Clunkers

"We're going to have to out-educate other countries," President Obama urged this week. How? By out-spending them, of course! It's the same old quack cure for America's fat and failing government-run schools monopoly. The one-trick ponies at the White House call their academic improvement agenda "targeted investing" for "winning the future." Truth in advertising: Get ready to fork over more cash for Education Clunkers.  MORE

Tom Woods: Nullification Update

John Stossel: My State of the Union Address

President Obama fulfilled his constitutional duty and gave his report on the state of the union last night. Here's mine: We're in deep trouble. You know why. Our debt has passed $14 trillion, and yet our current spending plans will make that worse. The U.S. debt will reach Greek levels in just 10 years.  MORE

Radley Balko: Why Cops Aren't Whistleblowers


The shameful stop snitchin' campaign among the men in blue
While awarding Barron Bowling $830,000 last September for the beating he suffered at the hands of a Drug Enforcement Administration agent in Kansas City, Kansas, U.S. District Judge Julie Robinson went out of her way to acknowledge another victim in the disgraceful affair ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Blackout in a Can

FDA nannies are at it again, restricting the options of American consumers. This time, alcoholic energy drinks are the victims.