Judge Vinson Also Smacks Down Crony Capitalism

Judge Vinson's individual mandate ruling is seen --properly -- as a defeat for ObamaCare and a win for individual freedom.  And it is all of that, of course.  But there's more.  Perhaps almost as pleasing as the affirmation of individual freedom and dismissal of a government-run society is the smack down Judge Vinson's ruling gave to the concept of "crony capitalism."  MORE

John Stossel: I Can Balance the Budget

The Congressional Budget Office says the current year's budget deficit will be a record $1.5 trillion. It also says that over the next decade we're on track for annual deficits of "only" $768 billion. I suspect the CBO has hired Rosy Scenario to do the bookkeeping, but let's take that number at face ...   MORE

53 Years Ago, Ayn Rand saw America's Future.

"Who is John Galt?" The winner of the Atlas Shrugged video contest explains why you need to know.