Thomas Sowell: The 'Judicial Activist' Ploy

Now that two different federal courts have declared ObamaCare unconstitutional, the administration's answer is to call the courts guilty of "judicial activism."  Barack Obama has a rhetorical solution for every problem. Remember the repeated claims of "shovel-ready" projects that needed only federal stimulus ...  MORE

Walter E Williams: A Killer Agency

Sam Kazman's "Drug Approvals and Deadly Delays" article in the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons (Winter 2010), tells a story about how the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's policies have led to the deaths of tens of thousands of Americans. Let's look at how it happens.  During the FDA's drug approval process, it confronts the possibility of two errors. If the FDA approves a drug that ...   MORE

Star Parker: Promote Freedom? Let's Start At Home

Watching the wave of unrest in the Middle East, there are lessons to consider regarding how we view the world and how we manage our lives here at home.  I’d call it getting perspective on what you can control and what you can’t.  It should be pretty clear that the upheavals in Tunisia and Egypt came as complete surprises.  No one predicted them.  Is this because no one was paying attention?  MORE

Steve Chapman: America the Conservative?

How to understand American politics.
If you want proof that America is a conservative country, Ronald Reagan provides it. Once seen as a reactionary nincompoop, he's probably the most respected president of the last 50 years. Highways and buildings bear his name. Republicans compete to see who can lavish the most praise on him  .... MORE

VIDEO: Who Is Stealing Your Purchasing Power?

Our dollar is a medium of exchange and a standard of value, but what about its purchasing power?

Interview with Walter Williams: The State Against Blacks

The welfare state has done what slavery couldn't do --- destroy the black family.
'Sometimes I sarcastically, perhaps cynically, say that I'm glad that I received virtually all of my education before it became fashionable for white people to like black people," writes Walter Williams in his new autobiography, "Up from the Projects." "By that I mean that I encountered back then a more honest assessment of my strengths ...  MORE

VIDEO: So You Think Money Is The Root Of All Evil?

Francisco D'Anconia's classic remarks about money from Ayn Rand's ATLAS SHRUGGED.

Veronique De Rugy: The Truth About the Debt Ceiling

Separating economic fact from economic myth.
The statutory debt limit, or debt ceiling, was designed to control congressional spending by limiting the amount of debt the federal government could accumulate. Clearly, it has not fulfilled its legislative purpose. In fact, the government has lost its ability to monitor its own spending. Having to raise the debt ceiling yet again is a sign ...  MORE

Cal Marijuana Advocates Debate New Legalization Effort

The drive to put another marijuana legalization initiative on the California ballot took a step forward Saturday when activists from across the state squeezed into a crowded conference center here to launch the debate over writing the next ballot measure. The campaign for Proposition 19, which lost 54% to 46% ...  MORE

VIDEO: Walter E Williams - Greed is Good

Acting in our own enlightened self-interest frequently results in service to our fellow man.

Obama's Energy Policy Triggers Nationwide Blackouts

The rolling blackouts now being implemented in Texas and across the country as record cold weather grips the United States are a direct consequence of the Obama administration’s agenda to lay siege to the coal industry, launch a takeover of infrastructure under the contrived global warming scam, and help usher in the post industrial collapse of America.  ...  MORE

Tom Woods: Nullification - Answering the Objections

In January 2011 my book Nullification became notorious when it was linked to a bill that declared Barack Obama’s health care law unconstitutional and therefore void and of no effect in the state of Idaho.  (Other states have been introducing similar bills, but Idaho grabbed the media’s attention.)  Legislators had read it, the news media reported, and while Governor Butch Otter turned down a state senator’s offer ...  MORE

David Harsanyi: The Right Kind of Activism

Does the federal court system exist to rubber stamp legislation?
For discussion's sake, let's just concede that every four years or so the American public is fooled into voting for a demagogue who's mastered a pleasant-sounding, market-tested populism. Let's then imagine—this is for discussion only—that this person's resulting agenda, cheery but mildly authoritarian, passes with public support.   MORE