Herman Cain: In Defense of American Exceptionalism

There is no denying it: America is the greatest country in the world. 
We are blessed with unparalleled freedoms and boundless prosperity that for generations have inspired an innovative and industrious people. America is exceptional. American Exceptionalism is the standard that our laws reflect the understanding that we are afforded certain God-given rights that can never be taken away.  ...  MORE

VIDEO: Will Net Neutrality Save the Internet?

Jacob Sullum: Mitch Daniel's Pot Luck

Experience taught him the importance of being tough on drug users.
Last week Mitch Daniels, Indiana's governor, told The Daily Princetonian that "justice was served" when he was arrested for marijuana possession during his junior year at Princeton. But like many pot smokers who became politicians, Daniels, a potential  contender for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination ... MORE