Walter E Williams: Cruel Laws

With friends like government, who needs enemies? What does it take to be able to own and operate a taxi and earn $30,000, $40,000 or more a year? You need to purchase a used car and liability insurance. Compared with other businesses, the startup cost to become a taxi owner/operator is modest; that's until you have to come up with money for a license. In May 2010 ... MORE

Iain Murray: Time To Promote Economic Climate Change

Steve Wynn is right!  Among the long string of bad economic news from the last few years, there is something to celebrate: The political consensus in Washington that government could keep on growing at no cost to the growing economy has finally broken down. The size and scope of government is now the defining issue of our time. It is a welcome debate. However, it has   ... MORE

Mark Steyn: 'Life On This Planet' Is About To Change

More change than hope ahead. That thoughtful observer of the passing parade, Nancy Pelosi, weighed in on the "debt ceiling" negotiations the other day: "What we're trying to do is save the world from the Republican budget. We're trying to save life on this planet as we know it today." It's always good to have things explained in terms we simpletons can understand.      ... MORE