Spooky: U.S. Debt To Surpass GDP On Halloween

from the Daily Caller. As children across America costume themselves as ghouls, ghosts, goblins and former North African dictators Monday night, they may have missed the most spine-chilling scare of the day. According to calculations based on the International Monetary Fund’s World Economic Outlook, on All Hallows’ Eve the United States’ total debt will surpass ... MORE

REUTERS: Lawmakers Unfazed By Downgrade Risk

Congress fiddles while America's economy burns. A growing number of lawmakers do not think another downgrade of the country's AAA rating will harm America's economy, raising questions about how much pressure Congress is under to fix the intractable budget deficit. Analysts warn, however, that signs of complacency on Capitol Hill threaten efforts to cure America's ... MORE

VIDEO: Ayn Rand - The Virtue Of Selfishness

Thinking about the virtue of acting in one's own rational self-interest.