John Stossel: The FDA Kills

It would be nice if politicians and regulators left us alone.  But they don't. They always want to do more. Recently, there have been shortages of some medicines. Cancer patients can't get drugs they need. Why not? One reason is that a big drugmaker shut down for a year in part to meet Food and Drug Administration rules. The FDA makes it so expensive and difficult to sell ... MORE

Andrew Napolitano: Does The Government Work For Us?

Or do we work for the government?         In America, the federal government seems to control everything. Light bulbs, shoe leather, refrigerators, even the water strength in your shower. Your banker, your doctor, your lawyer, your computer all are regulated beyond belief. What is it in America that the feds can't control? The answer is simple: human ... MORE

Allen B. West: Economic Freedom For Black Americans

When will black Americans finally be "free at last?"    The word "freedom" for many black Americans is inextricably linked with the word "slavery." While it has been 148 years since the Emancipation Proclamation, and 47 years since the landmark Civil Rights Act, for many, the words of Martin Luther King in his famous speech still ring true: "The Negro lives on a ... MORE