The Unintended Consequences Of Racial Preferences

by George Will.  The Supreme Court faces a discomfiting decision. If it chooses, as it should, to hear a case concerning racial preferences in admissions at the University of Texas, the court will confront evidence of its complicity in harming the supposed beneficiaries of preferences the court has enabled and encouraged. In the 1978 Bakke case concerning preferences in a      ... MORE

Feds Declare Advocating Jury Nullification Is A Crime

The heavy hand of the state strikes again.  One of the long-term legacies of expanding the powers of federal prosecutors is that they now are able to criminalize just about everything, including legal behavior. The latest outrage is in New York City, where the feds have charged Julian P. Heicklen, a 79-year-old retired chemistry professor from Penn State University ... MORE

Steve Chapman: Is Salt A Silent Killer Or Silent Seasoning?

Bad science pushes busybody federal effort forward.   "Put down the salt shaker and back away from the table. And don't even think about going for the chips." Those are lines you may hear on a TV police drama of the future, when the federal drive to curb salt consumption reaches cruising speed. Last year, the government's Institute of Medicine urged the Food and Drug     ... MORE