Gary Jason: A Cure For What Doesn't Ail You

Taxpayers shovel $433 billion to Obama's crony for nothing. The Obama Regime is best known for its crony car and crony green energy capitalism, but there is scarcely any industry it hasn’t tried to corrupt for its own interests. An unlikely source has now informed us of an especially egregious new variety — what can only be described as crony drug capitalism.    ... MORE

Star Parker: Payroll Tax 'Cut' Is Another Welfare Scam

An effective means of stimulating debt.   Last year, a one-year cut in the payroll taxes that working Americans pay to finance Social Security was enacted in the name of so-called economic "stimulus." But, like the rest of the economic stimuli that have come from Washington over the last three years, the only thing that has been stimulated is the growing hole of ... MORE

VIDEO: Beck's Enlightening Interview With Newt Gingrich 2

Newt Gingrich argues for government healthcare and green policies.

David Harsanyi: Saving The Middle Class By Enslaving It

The promise of Obama. In Teddy Roosevelt's era, President Barack Obama explained to the nation this week, "some people thought massive inequality and exploitation was just the price of progress....But Roosevelt also knew that the free market has never been a free license to take whatever you want from whoever you can." And he's right. Even today there are people who ... MORE

VIDEO: Beck's Enlightening Interview With Newt Gingrich 1

Newt Gingrich argues for big government programs, regulations and subsidies.

Thomas Sowell: Christmas Books

Give the gift of wisdom. The joys of Christmas do not include coping with crowds at shopping malls or wracking your brains trying to figure out what to get as a gift for someone who already seems to have everything. Books are a way out of both situations. You don't even have to go to a bookstore, with books so readily available on-line. As for the person who seems to have  ... MORE

Feds Saving All Tweets Forever On Massive Database

from THE BLAZE. Watch what you Tweet, because the government will be able to retrieve it for years– or decades– to come, according to a new report. That’s the lesson you can take from the Library of Congress’ mandate to collect anything that may have long-term historical interest, says Federal News Radio. Most digital data has at least a   ... MORE

VIDEO: John Stossel - Free Speech And Its Enemies

Robert Costa: The Ron Paul Factor

Organization and principle could yield victory in Iowa.  Rep. Ron Paul rarely makes news, and his candidacy is frequently ignored by Beltway reporters. But headlines, his aides say, are overrated. In fact, the Texas Republican’s low-key autumn was strategic. As Paul’s competitors stumbled and sparred, he amassed a small fortune for his  ... MORE

VIDEO: Unintended Consequences

TSA Agents Make 3 Elderly Women Pull Down Pants

Fighting terrorism one catheter at a time.  With age come such things as catheters, colostomy bags and adult diapers. Now add another indignity to getting old — having to drop your pants and show these things to a complete stranger. Two women in their 80s put the Transportation Security Administration on the defensive this week by going public about their ... MORE