September 13, 2017

Slash government regulations, cut red tape, and prosper 

from Forbes: Georgia’s path shows that a country can unlock a huge potential for increasing productivity, prosperity, and health just by adjusting its rules and regulations to allow its private sector to thrive.
Regulation Nation

🎬  Police ‘protect’ society by stealing man’s money for improperly selling hot dogs 

from The Free Thought Project: UC Berkeley Police were filmed taking the money out of a hot dog vendor's wallet as they gave him a ticket for not having a permit.
Police State America

Study: the liberal media’s summer of pummeling Trump

from MRC Newsbusters: It's official, Trump coverage was 91 percent negative. Fortunately for Trumpster, the mainstream media is correctly perceived as players, not refs.
Media Bias on Parade

Clinton already working on follow-up book casting blame for failures of first 

from The Onion: Breaking: Amazon slashes Hillary’s book price 40% before it even hit the shelves .
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

🎬  Flex your JURY NULLIFICATION rights

from LibertyPen: A short, but enlightening discussion of jury nullification. Steve Silverman, Thomas Woods Jr.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

September 12, 2017

End warrantless deep state spying: don't renew 702

from WND: One more chance to rein in warrantless domestic surveillance before it's too late.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

The largest threat to our prosperity is government spending and we are all to blame

from Creators: The fabulous Walter E Williams explains that politicians are doing precisely what the American people elect them to office to do — namely, use the power of their office to take the rightful property of other Americans and deliver it to them.
Economic Policy: Statism vs. The Free Market

Entire student section detained, forced to have blood/urine tests after beer can found at football game

from The Free Thought Project: After high school officials found a single beer can during a football game, 75 students had their rights violated with forced blood draws and urine samples.
Police State America

Net Neutrality rules threaten internet free speech

from The Competitive Enterprise Institute: Advocates of net neutrality regulation profess preservation of free speech online as their motivation for heavy-handed government control of the Internet, but recent events show that just the opposite is true.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Feds spend $138,000 asking four-year-olds about their ‘internal sense of gender identity’

from The Washington Free Beacon: "Our current research study is recruiting children aged 3–12 who are transgender, gender nonconforming, and siblings of gender nonconforming children," Your tax money at work.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

September 11, 2017

If you hand out a pamphlet, you could be arrested

from WND: Stunning legal battle over 'historical weapons in the defense of liberty'. Thomas Paine would be in trouble these days
The Government is Not Us

The Deep State: How it came to be and why it fights so hard

from Intellectual Takeout: Members of the Deep State are fighting not only for money and power, but their very sense of being.
The Government is Not Us

New York mayor to property owners: drop dead

from Reason: De Blasio literally wants to tell people what to do with their land.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Why Cliven Bundy keeps beating the government

from Fox News Radio: Jury nullification are words periodically appearing in American history. Jury decisions reflect current culture and at the moment there is great distrust of the US government.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Read More: Why Cliven Bundy Keeps Beating the Government (Opinion) |

NBC, AP publish article saying crooked democrat Menendez on trial in New Jersey is a Republican

from Gateway Pundit: Fake news, dishonest reporting, call it what you will. At least the lefties at the NY Times neglected to give Menendez's party affiliation.
Media Bias on Parade

Fast-growing green energy 'scam' puts taxpayers and homeowners at risk

from The Washington Examiner: "Solutions" to our "global climate crisis" always seems to rely on the heavy hand of government.
Economic Policy: Statism vs The Free Market