October 1, 2018

Feds force suspect to unlock an Apple iPhone X with their face

fromTheFederalist: It finally happened. The feds forced an Apple iPhone X owner to unlock their device with their face. That's by any police agency anywhere in the world, not just in America.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Andrew Napolitano - Freedom is in Danger

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From “The Rise and Fall of American Freedom,” Judge Andrew Napolitano warns Americans about the deterioration of the Constitution and future of liberty.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

Your "privilege" level: how much we can steal from you in the name of equality

fromMises: It’s hard to imagine a more effective way to increase division in society than by splitting everyone into different groups that are either good or bad, privileged or oppressed.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

TSA furious as LA bucks the Feds by allowing citizens to fly out of state with weed

fromFreeThoughtProject: The TSA will rat you out to the police if you are caught trying to fly with weed, but as long as you abide by state laws, the police will leave you alone.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

California versus the rest of the nation

fromEricPetersAuto: The control freaks of left coast seek to dictate the future of automobiles.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

The Kavanaugh hearings are about reason versus emotion

fromTheFederalist: There is only one fundamental dividing line in the reaction to the televised hearings about accusations against Brett Kavanaugh, and it’s not solely a partisan one.
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

September 29, 2018

Murders and rapes increasingly going unsolved as cannabis arrests surge—despite legalization

fromFreeThoughtProject: New research shows cannabis arrests are on the rise at the same time over half of the United States have legalized cannabis in some form or another.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Mom regains custody of 10-month-old son who was taken by CPS because she left the hospital too quickly

fromReason: Judge: "There is nothing in the record which would lead this court to believe that the mother is unwilling to provide the appropriate care for the child."
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: should you need the government's permission to work?

fromInstituteForJustice/YouTube: In a free country, no third party would stand between an man needing an employee and a man willing to work at the rate offered.
Regulation Nation

The government wants airlines to delay your flight so they can scan your face

fromTheIntercept: No inconvenience is too great for the common man when government seeks to expand its database on the citizenry. Designed to be a public servant, government is now the master.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Stormy Daniels and “peak oil”

fromEricPetersAuto: Everyone knows about Stormy Daniels. How many know that United States is on track to be a net exporter of oil by the early 2020s Whatever happened to “peak oil”? Weren’t we supposed to be running out?
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

John Stossel: Leaving the left

fromCreators: Dave Rubin began doing long interviews with people like talk show host Larry Elder. The more people he interviewed, the more he became convinced something was missing in the left's picture of the world.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

September 27, 2018

Empowering personal liberty, not systems of control, solves societal problems

fromAbovetheLaw: China is developing a digital dictatorship to exert control over its 1.4 billion citizens. For some, "social credit" will bring great opportunities — for others, punishment. Coming to a tyranny near you?
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle

VIDEO: The Trouble with Google

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: We know one entity proven to interfere with American elections and support the most oppressive communist dictatorship in the world.
Media Bias on Parade              Government is Watching Every Move You Make

A federal court rules that IRS agents who demanded to watch a woman use the bathroom were clearly violating standards of decency. The government appeals.

fromTheDailyBell: The IRS literally tried to justify this ritualistic degradation of an innocent human being’s most basic dignity by calling it ‘standard procedure’. Public service or pervert service?
The Government is Not Us

Digital dictatorship: China exerts control over population through "social credit" system

fromZeroHedge: China is developing a digital dictatorship to exert control over its 1.4 billion citizens. For some, "social credit" will bring great opportunities — for others, punishment. Coming to a tyranny near you?
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

Michelle Obama encourages people who "know nothing about nothing" to vote

fromInfowars: Democrats unveil their voter registration strategy for the midterms.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The Brett Kavanaugh confirmation has exposed the Democrats as threat to Constitution

fromAmericanSpectator: This is disgusting on a scale we may never have experienced in modern American history — for which one side in our politics is responsible.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption