Jan 19, 2019

Congressman slams civil forfeiture as 'a series of government shakedowns'

fromForbes: Under federal law, property owners facing civil forfeiture are essentially guilty until proven innocent and must bear the burden of proof, unlike criminal cases.
Police State America     Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: John Stossel: Government shutdown shows private Is better

fromReason: Shutdown teaches us that much of government is NOT essential.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market       The Government is Not Us

How long can Congress keep pretending marijuana legalization isn’t the norm?

fromCourant: As more states vote to legalize adult recreational use, they are creating a powerful coalition against the federal government, which continues to classify marijuana as an illegal Schedule 1 drug on par with heroin.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

How U.S. surveillance technology is propping up authoritarian regimes

fromWashingtonPost: The sale of technologies such as spyware and facial-recognition systems to human rights abusers enables insidious social control and encroachment on basic civil liberties.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

VIDEO: Why they keep coming - The migrant caravans

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: A look at the incentives that attract migrants and have politicians blocking attempts to secure the border. Also, a look at the political dynamics driving the government shutdown.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Norway readies 'Big Brother' GPS-based taxation per mile-driven

fromZeroHedge: Coming to a tyranny near you. The idea is to transform the public to electric cars, then make up lost fuel tax revenue with a scheme like this.

Jan 18, 2019

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Trump's FBI inquiry

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: From Tucker Carlson Tonight, Tucker applies compelling reason to the allegations of Democrats and their media allies that Donald Trump is a Russian agent.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

The slow diminishment of the 4th Amendment

fromDailySentinel: Colorado doesn't impose criminal penalties for refusing to submit to a warrantless search, but refusal leads to immediate, and virtually automatic, license revocation. Big penalty for invoking a right!
Police State America

Cannabis deliveries OK’d in California: 'The public spoke loud and clear'

fromUSAToday: California endorsed a rule Wednesday that will allow home marijuana deliveries statewide, even into communities that have banned commercial pot sales.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Defaming Milton Friedman

fromCATO: In the future, if you tell a student or a journalist that you favor free markets and limited government, there is a risk that they will ask you why you support dictatorships, torture, and corporate welfare.
Indoctrination and Censorship       Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Feds can't force you to unlock your iPhone with finger or face, judge rules

fromForbes: The ruling goes further to protect people’s private lives from government searches than any before and is being hailed as a potentially landmark decision.
Police State America

Jeff Sessions deals one more blow to criminal justice reform on his way out the door

fromReason: The former Attorney General has made it much for difficult for the DOJ to crack down on police departments accused of civil rights violations.

Jan 17, 2019

The networks trashed Trump with 90% negative spin in 2018, but did it matter?

fromNewsbusters: The establishment media’s obvious hostility shows no signs of relenting, but polls show this negative coverage has had no discernible impact on the public’s attitudes toward the President.
Media Bias on Parade

Cop gets just 90 days in jail for horrific child porn as man selling weed gets 5 years

fromFreeThoughtProject: A community is outraged after a child predator cop received just 90 days for exploiting children. Meanwhile, countless people rot in jail for a plant.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, the voice of an ignorant generation

fromFoxNews: Only 32 percent of Millennials can define socialism. The frequently-wrong but never-in-doubt freshman Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, may indeed be the voice of her ignorant generation.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption     Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Judge orders Trump administration to remove 2020 census citizenship question

fromNPR: Judge fears disenfranchisement of illegal voters.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Quit assaulting kids, TSA told

fromRutherfordInstitute: “No American should be subjected to a virtual strip search, excessive groping of the body, or have their underage children touched intimately by strangers as a matter of course in boarding an airplane". 
The Government is Not Us

Federal judge advocates jury nullification after being shocked by overzealous prosecution

fromReason: It just makes sense to let jurors know about their already established power to exercise discretion over bad laws and ill-considered prosecutions.