August 12, 2019

Overbearing regulations are slowly killing restaurants

fromReason: Running a restaurant is hard enough without government micromanagers trying to stir the pot.
Regulation Nation

TSA drops fine against man who opted not to board a flight rather than be subjected to invasive search

fromRutherfordInstitute: Texas man not punished for opting out of third warrantless search. He refused an invasive pat-down after he had already been through metal detector and whole body scanner.
Police State America       The Government is Not Us

FBI stats show knives kill far more people than rifles In America – it’s not even close

fromDailyCaller: According to the FBI, 1,604 people were killed by “knives and cutting instruments” and 374 were killed by “rifles” in 2016.
2nd Amendment Assaults

How the government can steal your stuff: 6 questions about civil asset forfeiture answered

fromPennsylvaniaCapital-Star: Law professor and criminal justice expert Nora V. Demleitner explains how this procedure works and why it irks conservatives and progressives alike.
Police State America

Cops still not charged after dumping 26 rounds Into truck full of small children, shooting 3 Of them

fromFreeThoughtProject: “How am I supposed to tell my kids that the people who are supposed to protect them are the ones that shot them?” father of the children, Quin Jacobs said.

July 19, 2019

Could I have some news with my emotions, please?

fromTheHill: From the earliest days of television, journalists understood the power of an image to overwhelm objectivity. That’s why Cronkite and others worked hard to present the news without emotional cues.
Media Bias on Parade

New numbers show San Francisco's homeless population has grown by 30 percent

fromReason: Democrats love the poor. That's why they make so many.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Libertarian group demands NASA remove false '97 percent consensus' global warming claim

fromPJMedia: The study — and the 97 percent figure that depends on it — is fatally flawed, and NASA has 120 days to respond to the CEI complaint..
Indoctrination and Censorship

Barr: Justice Dept. is 'all in' on criminal justice overhaul

fromNewser: Under the resentencing provisions of the law, more than 1,600 inmates have qualified for a reduced sentence and more than 1,100 have already been released, a Justice Department official said. 
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson - Climate Change Wasn't About the Environment At All

fromYouTube/LibertyPen: So you thought climate change was about the environment? From Tucker Carlson Tonight, a peak inside the great Green New Deal deception. Marc Morano, Tucker Carlson. 
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Beware, the IRS is eyeing your inherited money

fromMarketWatch: From the earliest days of television, journalists understood the power of an image to overwhelm objectivity. That’s why Cronkite and others worked hard to present the news without emotional cues.

July 13, 2019

Is facial recognition the new fingerprinting—or something much worse?

fromHumanEvents: State DMVs are building a vast national digital identification database for federal law enforcement.
Government is Watching Every Move You Make

A complete list of alternatives to the Google search engine

fromCollectiveEvolution: Using Google as a search engine is no longer giving you access to unedited truth, as admitted by Google exec Jen Gennai. You will see what Google wants you to see.
Indoctrination and Censorship

Citizens now charged with a crime for repairing their own car in their own garage

fromFreeThoughtProject: Another kick in groin to private property rights. In Sacramento, California, residents can now be fined $500 for simply fixing a tire or changing their car's oil in their "own" driveway.
Individual Liberty: America's First Principle               Regulation Nation

Florida sheriff deputy arrested after planting drugs on innocent people

fromReason: Drug war incentives are perverse. Make no mistake, the war on drugs is a war on you.
Police State America                The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange 

Congress votes to block feds from enforcing marijuana laws In legal states

fromHumanEvents: At long last, the federal government is dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange

Judges appear set to rule against Obamacare individual mandate

fromHumanEvents: It didn't satisfy Obama's overlord mentality enough that government could confiscate a large percentage of your earnings already, he was hellbent on dictating what you must buy.