October 19, 2020


How 2020 demolished the case for gun control

fromReason: For those who have been advising Americans for years that we should lay down our own weapons and trust armed government employees, this year has been a massive reality check.

The libertarian case for Donald Trump

fromInsideSources: Like it or not, it’s Biden or Trump. This libertarian’s going with the latter, and won’t lose any sleep over the decision.

Grand jury indicts St. Louis couple who pointed guns at protesters

fromTheHill: This is an example of how prosecutors can "indict a ham sandwich." The only evidence presented is by the government prosecutor. Citizens need to learn about jury nullification, the last stand against tyranny.

Rand Paul is right about the Nazis and Socialism

fromMises: For those who have been advising Americans for years that we should lay down our own weapons and trust armed government employees, this year has been a massive reality check.

C-SPAN suspends editor who lied about Twitter account hack

fromAccuracyInMedia: C-SPAN announced that Steve Scully, the network’s senior executive producer and political editor, has been placed on “administrative leave” for lying about his Twitter account being.

You should NOT read the disgusting, totally false story about Joe Biden's son that we've linked to

fromBabylonBee: There's a disgusting, absolutely 100% false story about Joe Biden's son going around. It's so bad that it has been condemned by the wise, moral, upstanding people who run Twitter and Facebook. Even mentioning the story can get you banned from these platforms. That's how bad and false the story is.


October 16, 2020


Guess who ends up paying those taxes meant only for the rich…

fromDailyBell: It always starts by targeting the rich… but taxes have always crept their way down to rob the middle class just the same as the rich.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

Walter E Williams: Racial deception

fromCreators: If it has now become acceptable to call oneself a woman, when one has the anatomical equipment of a male, then why isn't it okay to claim that one is black, Latino or Asian when one is really Caucasian?
Political Correctness and Other Nitwittery

Why Biden and Harris refuse to give an answer about Court-packing

fromReason: They know the media won’t make them — and they need to hide their radical agenda.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

German-Style internet censorship catches on around the world

fromReason: Inspired by Germany's notorious hate-speech law, more countries seek to impose steep penalties on platforms that don't comply with their censorship whims.
Indoctrination and Censorship

The new media has become like the old media—and that means the usual bias

fromReason: Inspired by Germany's notorious hate-speech law, more countries seek to impose steep penalties on platforms that don't comply with their censorship whims.
Indoctrination and Censorship                 Media Bias on Parade

The election has already been hijacked and the winner decided: 'We the People' lose

fromRutherfordInstitute: John Whitehead commentary. "The outcome is a foregone conclusion: the Deep State will win and “we the people” will lose."
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption


October 13, 2020


Court packing is ‘suicide bombing of two branches of government’

fromNationalReview: Biden lacks the courage to acknowledge his plan to transmogrify the Supreme Court into a super legislature that renders the other branches of government virtually meaningless.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

ATF reversal could turn millions of gun owners into felons

fromFreeBeacon: The efforts to demean Constitutional liberty are relentless.
2nd Amendment Assaults

How COVID-19 is spreading school choice

fromReason: The growing movement to fund students rather than government monopolies.

These states will vote on cannabis legalization in November

fromAxios: Voters in Arizona, Montana, New Jersey and South Dakota will decide whether to legalize and tax recreational marijuana in November, while Mississippi considers legalizing cannabis for medical purposes.
The War on Unapproved Voluntary Exchange