January 29, 2021

How to deprogram us

fromAmericanGreatness: Why not borrow the current Chinese “social credit system”? The great Victor Davis Hanson speaks.

Can Rand Paul save the Senate?

fromEpochTimes: "Every day in every way I like Rand Paul better. He gives libertarianism a good name by standing for something, unlike almost all his colleagues, right and left."

VIDEO: The Rise and Fall of Freedom in America

fromLibertyPen/YouTube: An epic tale of liberty in America, from the founding ideals to present. 

Why four Democrats are suddenly regretting supporting Joe Biden

fromTownhall: Economic devastation imposed by Biden will severely damage their state (and, more importantly, their hopes of reelection).

Congressional Democrats push $15 minimum wage on struggling businesses

fromReason: Small business owners are largely Republican. Understand that and you understand the politics of COVID policy, overregulation and minimum wage.

Biden signs executive order to ban the term ‘China virus’

fromWhiteHouse.gov: The Kung flu was foisted upon the world by China, no matter how much the Biden administration wants to sugarcoat it.


January 27, 2021

Your tax dollars at work: California criminal rings loot billions in unemployment funds

fromCBSSacramento: Article is NOT about the Democratic Party nor is it from the Babylon Bee.

If ‘Facebook is private’ why are they feeding private messages of its users directly to the FBI?

fromTheFreeThoughtProject: Facebook began furnishing the FBI with data on Trump supporters who discussed the events at the capitol on their platform — up to and including their private messages.

Amazon demands in-person union vote after arguing mail-in ballots 'raise risk of fraud'

fromZeroHedge: Suddenly, the hypocritical bastards are insisting on election integrity for themselves. With their boy Biden in power, mail-in ballots are so yesterday.

Another cop is indicted for murder because of a 2019 drug raid that killed a middle-aged couple

fromReason So far a dozen Houston narcotics officers have been charged as a result of the investigation triggered by the disastrous operation.

All the spin that’s fit to print

fromTheDailyPoster: It exposes the gaping crack in the facade of objectivity — and provides a microcosmic illustration of one reason why new survey data show the public’s trust in media has now hit a new low.

Biden effectively erases numerous U.S. immigration laws, may release 10,000 criminal aliens

fromTheFederalist: Despite the dangers of such a sweeping immigration policy, including a caravan of thousands of Honduran migrants heading to the southern U.S. border that the Biden administration admits it does not have the bandwidth to handle, Democrat politicians have offered their endorsements of the new border rules.


January 25, 2021

The capturing of the Capitol

fromUnHerd: Why did no one question the military occupation of Washington?

"Victim-centered" justice is a threat to due process

fromMises: Trauma-informed advocates abandoning the ethical code of conduct, requiring the law enforcement officer to be concerned equally in the prosecution of the wrong-doer and the defense of the innocent.

⭐️ The new domestic war on terror is coming

fromGlennGreenwald: No speculation is needed. Those who wield power are demanding it. The only question is how much opposition they will encounter.

President Biden's unity has a high price tag

fromReason: Biden's proposed pandemic "relief" package would unite Americans in forced economic pain.