February 21, 2021

fromEpochTimes:  YouTube's mission is to silence opposition to the leftist orthodoxy. When the truth is not on your side, your only option is censorship.

fromSpiked:  Neither side in the culture war understands how crucial this liberty is to human flourishing.

fromTheHill:  In an unprecedented display of censorship, Twitter, Facebook and other social media platforms suspended former President Trump’s accounts, preventing him from communicating with his millions of followers.

fromReason:  Big businesses gave millions to Newsom’s initiatives and were rewarded handsomely.

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  Dr. Sowell uses the conflation of healthcare with medical care to illustrate the problems when words clash with reality.

fromDailyMail:  He hopes coming clean about his drug use will help lead to the decriminalization of illegal drugs.


February 20, 2021

fromAmericanGreatness:  Victor Davis Hanson.  "An ungracious and neurotic elite whose judgment is bankrupt and whose privilege is paid for by those who don’t have it threatens to drag us to the depths of unreason."

fromTheFederalist:  New York and California were locked down tighter than a fat woman's sock, but Florida largely remained open.

fromEpochTimes:  Biden signed an executive order on his first day in office mandating the advancement of “racial equity,” a quasi-Marxist critical race theory that focuses on equality of outcome, not opportunity.

fromReason:  Police officers shouldn't be above the law.

fromAccuracyInMedia:  Haters hate. That is just what they do. The mainstream media came to regard Rush Limbaugh much like the devil regards holy water.

fromLibertyNation:  Texans experienced an unprecedented cold snap with ice and snow that brought the 25% of electrical power produced by wind turbines in the state to a halt.


February 19, 2021

fromMarkSteynOnLine:  A fitting tribute to the greatest of all-time.

fromGlennGreenwald:  Insisting on factual accuracy does not make one an apologist for the protesters. False reporting is never justified, especially to inflate threat and fear levels.

fromReason:  A new study provides further evidence that property seizures are driven by financial motives rather than public safety concerns.

fromPJMedia:  Rarely mentioned by Biden and the Democrats pushing this “stimulus that isn’t” are the roadblocks to recovery that the Democrats want to include in the bill. 

fromLibertyPen/YouTube:  Why are concerns over voter fraud less valid than problems with the justice system?

fromTheFederalist:  It is plain to anyone with eyes to see that in this nation justice is not being equally applied. If people don't think this is a problem, they are part of it.