December 13, 2017

Less regulation means less opportunity for government corruption

from Reason: Smaller government has the possibility to be more honest government.
Regulation Nation

CNN covers botched Don Jr. story 27 times more than correction

from DailyCaller: Joseph Goebbels: If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth. Goebbels would be proud to see his observation has become the mission statement at CNN.

Justice Sotomayor unintentionally highlights the danger of having too many laws

from WashingtonPost: Justice Sotomayor highlights a dangerous reality of our legal system. So long as there are vastly more laws on the books than the government can realistically hope to enforce, the rule of law will continue to be imperiled.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process

Want More Jobs? Fight Occupational Licensing!

from Reason: Getting a cosmetology license in Oregon requires 2,300 hours of classroom instruction, but getting a similar permit in New York requires a mere 1,000 hours of training.
Economic Policy: Statism Versus The Free Market

FBI agent becomes GOP public enemy No. 1

from TheHill: A slate of reports from multiple outlets have catapulted the once-anonymous intelligence agent into the political maelstrom over what Republicans say is a woeful double standard of political bias at the FBI.
Politics and Other Official Acts of Corruption

Rebellious jurors make the world a better place

from Reason: Jury nullification has officials losing cases, changing policies, and fretting over the power of the people they abuse.
Justice is a Result, Not Just a Process