Showing posts with label ACORN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ACORN. Show all posts

Walter E. Williams: America's Two-Faced Liberals

Behind the facade. President Barack Obama and Wall Street occupiers, along with their allies in the mainstream media and on college campuses, have maintained an ongoing attack on high-income earners, people they call 1 percenters. Listening to their deceitful demagoguery, you would naturally think of them as 99 percenters, but you'd be dead-wrong. Last week, ... MORE

Peter Ferrara: Stealing Our Elections

Why AG Holder and ACORN Obama hate Voter ID.  Columnist David Limbaugh, brother of Rush, asks in a recent column, "Can anyone think of an innocuous reason that President Obama and Attorney General Eric Holder oppose state voter ID laws?" The correct answer is definitely "No!" But even Limbaugh dances around the full answer to the ... MORE

John Fund: Why We Need Voter-ID Laws Now

The attorney general can't look away anymore. Attorney General Eric Holder is a staunch opponent of laws requiring voters to show photo ID at the polls to improve ballot security. He calls them “unnecessary” and has blocked their implementation in Texas and South Carolina, citing the fear they would discriminate against minorities. I wonder what    ... MORE

Robert Stacy McCain: The Breitbart Experience

His powerful voice for individual liberty will be missed.      Last Friday, at 10:30 p.m., Andrew Breitbart sent me a two-word text message: "Where y'at?" We were both in Troy, Michigan, that night. He was scheduled to speak at the next day's Americans for Prosperity forum. I was in town to cover the Republican presidential primary campaign. Knowing he would be  ... MORE